One month to go

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I'm eight months pregnant and I'm ready for this baby to come out already. Everything is ready for kailyn. Clothes, food, diapers, and apparently her room. I know what y'all thinking, what do you mean "apparently?" Sean said that Mathew finished painting but he doesn't want me to see the room till kailyn comes home. He even locked the door. Unfortunately, his dumb ass doesn't know there's two keys to every room so I can go in if I wanted to but it's clearly really important to him. So I'll wait.

Today, Sean, Jayla, Adrian, Sam, and I are all relaxing out in the backyard. The cool May breeze felt great. I laid back and watching the clouds move in the sky, while I rubbed my stomach

Sean:" you okay baby?"

Kasey:" yea"

Sean:" what about my baby kailyn" he kissed my stomach

Kasey:" ewe, move. She doesn't like you!" I made a stank face

Sean:" that's funny considering I helped make her!" He laughed and kissed my stomach again

Kasey" whatever!!" I smiled

Adrian:" you want some lemonade mommy?"

Kasey:" why is everyone calling me mommy!?"

Adrian:" cause your a mommy... Mommy!" He stuck his tongue up and handed me the lemonade

Kasey:" shut up.. Thanks"

Adrian:" no prob"

jayla:" I can't wait to be a god mother"

Kasey:" who said you were one?"

Jayla:" dry..."

Kasey:" I'm joking, of course you are!" I laughed

Jayl:" ah oh!"

Just then, Sam came running out of the house

Sam:" uncle Sean!! I saw it!!!"

Sean:" saw what?"

Sam:" the Bo-"

Sean:" AYE!! Keep quit or I'll kill you!"

Kasey:" what are you hiding?"

Sean:" it's a surprise! Show me where it is Sam"

Sam:" haha, okay"

They both walked inside together and jayla gave me a evil look

Kasey:" what?"

Jayla:" I think I know what she found!

Kasey:" what is it?"

Jayla:" I'm not gonna tell you!"

Kasey:"fine, watch when you need help, imma let you die!"

Adrian:" are you crazy kasey?"

Kasey:" lil bit" I said drinking my drink


I walked inside with Sam inside. I can't let kasey found out about this. Not till the time is right...

Sean:" where is it?"

Sam:" in the cupboard.. That's not a very good hiding spot!"

I went in the kitchen and opened the cupboard, taking out the box " I know. I just got it today. Kasey came down stairs when I had it and I panicked.. So I put it there"

Sam:" aww, she's gonna love it"

Sean:" promise you won't tell anyone!"

Sam:" I promise."

Sean:" no Sam, I mean NO ONE! Not even your mom, not even your journal...Shoot, don't even tell your dog!"

Sam:" I don't have a dog uncle Sean.."

Sean:" glad we understand each other!"

I went down to the tech room and deleted the footage from the past hour. I know she hardly goes down here but hey, gotta make sure. Next I but the box where kasey would have no access, nor even think of looking. Underneath my car seat. I know it's weird but she'd never look down there. I went out to my car parked in front of the house and but the box under my chair. Mission impossible complete. I went back to the backyard and heard jayla talking about... a shower?"

Kasey:" I don't wanna have one.."

Sean:" you don't wanna have a shower!?"

Kasey:" no dumb ass, a BABY shower!"

Sean:" oh thank god!... Why not?" I sat beside Adrian

Adrian:" apparently it's too much work"

Kasey:" it is!"

Jayla:" but I'll do everything! All you gotta do is show up!"

Kasey:" yes but then everyone's gonna be giving my hugs, and touching up my belly, no"

Sam:" your pregnant!!"

Kasey:" so!?"

Sean:" I think we should have one kase, it'll be fun"

Kasey:" for you maybe! Besides, where are we gonna put all the toys and clothes we get? You said the room is already full"

Sean:" oh please, I can handle that. Just have the dang party"

Kasey:" and I don't have to do anything!?"

Adrian:" nope"

Jayla:" just gotta show up"

Sam:" and look cute of course!"

Every turned to same and gave her a stank look " shut up Sam!"

Sam:" well damn.." She said turning her attention back to her phone

Kasey:" and where will be having this party?"

Jayla:" here of-" kasey glared at her " I mean, I beautiful hotel penthouse down town?"

Kasey:" that's better!"

Sean:" is that a yes!"

Kasey:" no, it's a fine!"

Everyone:" yes!!"

We all started dancing around and doing stupid crap around the pool

Kasey:" you guys are too much, I'm gonna take a nap

Adrian:" it's 3:30 in the afternoon?"

Kasey:" don't care!" She called back as She went towards the house.

I can't wait till this party. Ever since kasey told me she was pregnant, I've been the happiest man on earth. I swear I count the days till kailyn will be born. Three cheers to the happiest rapper alive!!


Haven't updated in a bit... What do you think Sean's hiding now? And this baby shower! It's gonna be turnt up!! XD I lied still! But I can't help but notice that now ones heard from justin.....

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