Forgive & forget

113 4 1

Sean's pov

Martin:" look at my man acting all lovey dovey over the phone"

Sean:" man shut up"

Martin:" what she say"

Sean:" something bout someone coming over and not to be mad when I see them, i don't know."

Martin:" oh snap.."

Sean:" what?"

Martin:" nothing... Just gonna go get my camera"

Sean:" you need help my friend"

He ran up the stairs just as I heard the door unlocking

Kasey:" baby!?"

Sean:" in here!"

Kasey:" hey babe"

Sean:" sup sexy" I slapped her butt as she walked by

Kasey:" stoooop!"

Sean:" aha. So, where's this friend of yours?"

Kasey:" you promise you won't be mad!"

Sean:" promise with all my heart"

Kasey:" okaaaay... You can come in"

I turned around to see this light skin guy with black curly hair. I knew exactly who this dumb ass was. He just stood against the door frame awkwardly

Sean:" Kasey.."

Kasey:" yea"

Sean:" I don't think I'll be able to keep that promise..." My blood was boiling

Kasey:" but you promised!!"

Sean:" that's before I knew it was him!"

Jacob:" look I didn't wanna-"

Sean:" save it!"

Jacob:" okay, I'll just leave.. See you later Kasey"

Kasey:" you don't have to go!"

Sean:" yes the fuck he does!"

Kasey:" why!?"

Sean:" I don't want him in my house!"

Kasey:" last time I checked it was still mine!"

Sean:" our house! And I don't want him in it!"

Kasey:" stop being difficult!"

Sean:" I'll stop when he leaves!"

Kasey:" Sean!!"

Sean:" Kasey!!"

Jacob's pov

I knew I shouldn't have come. I was about to leave till I heard Kasey crying. I just hated it when she cried. Always have and I always will.

Sean:" you can stop crying Kasey, it's not working this time" he sat down

She continued to cry harder and harder

Sean:" please stop crying.... Kasey! *sigh*"

He got up and hugged her.

Sean:" I'm sorry baby, please just stop crying"

Kasey:" why you gotta be so mean" her voice was muffled by his chest

Sean:" ugh, I just don't like him"

Jacob:" right here!"

Sean:" don't care!"

Kasey:" stop!" She looked up at him "I like him Sean, does that mean anything to you?"

Sean:" *sigh*" he put one arm around her and looked at me up and down in disgust "you sure you trust him?"

Kasey:" yes!"

Sean:" fine" he walked up to me. At first I thought he was gonna threaten me or punch me in the face. Instead, he stuck his hand out " hey, I'm sean"

Reluctantly, I shook his hand " Jacob"

Kasey:" that's better" she said wiping her tears

Sean:" only for you Kasey.." He looked at me up and down one more time then went up the stairs. The same stairs I used to go up. Ugh I really fucked up.

Jacob:" well, I think he likes me!" I laughed and sat down

Kasey:" oh yea, for sure" she sat

We sat in silence and suddenly burst out in laughter. Thank god I didn't lose her completely....

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