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Sean's pov

I was in the gym when I heard the security system go off. I dropped the weights and ran down stairs. Kasey and Jayla were screaming at each other while Kasey kept pressing buttons on the control panel. I pushed her aside and put in the password. The loud blaring went dead

Jayla:" how does he know the password and you've been in this house longer!"

Kasey:" shut up! It hasn't gone off in years"

Jayla:" whatever"

Kasey turned and looked at me in disgust. " let's go-cart jayla"

Jayla:" ah your gonna loose!"

Kasey:" most likely, my legs hardly fit in the damn thing" I pulled her back

"Let go of me!"

Sean:" can we talk please?"

Kasey:" I'm not too ignorant for you?"

Sean:" please baby!"

Kasey:" fine.. I'll meet you after"

Jayla:" cool"

Jayla went outside and I brought Kasey to the living room. She sat down and watched tv so I took it off

Kasey:" I was watching that"

Sean:" come on kase, stop being stubborn"

Kasey:" OH! So now I'm stubborn ?! Damn sean, you really make me feel special" she rolled her eyes

Sean:" you know I didn't mean It like that"

Kasey:" what do you want?"

Sean:" to apologize.."

Kasey:" I'm listening."

Sean:" *sigh* I'm sorry for calling you ignorant and being mean to you"

Kasey:" whatever sean"

Sean:" come on Kasey! What do I have to do for you to forgive me!"

Kasey:" trust me! I want to be able to hang around him with out worrying about you two fighting or you being mad at me!"

Sean:" I trust you kase, I just don't trust him! How did you guys even start talking?" She was silent " hello, I'm talking to you!, how did you guys start talking?"

Kasey:" when I was at the office he came. He explained everything and I said we could start fresh.."

Sean:" ... That's complete bullshit Kasey. Just tell me the truth."

Kasey:" fine... I didn't go to the office yesterday... I went to meet him at a park-"

Sean:" so you lied to me!?"

Kasey:" let me finish, he-"

Sean:" did you have sex with him!?""

Kasey:" what!?hell no!"

Sean:" don't lie Kasey! Just tell me!"

Kasey:" I didn't have sex with him!"

Sean:" look me in my eyes!" I lifted her up and stood her on the couch so we were eye level " did you have sex with Jacob Kasey"

She held my face " Sean, I didn't have sex with Jacob!"

Sean:" alright... So why did you meet him!" She let go

Kasey:" he said it was urgent! I couldn't focus not knowing what was wrong so I went"

Sean:" why didn't you just tell me that?"

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