Chapter Four

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***I was in a basement. It had boarded windows and an old mattress in a corner that I was sitting on. My arms were wrapped around a boy with dirty blonde hair and one of his were around me. His other was around another girl. She had blonde hair and her eyes were closed while she slept on the boys chest. I knew I had seen her before but this was her when she was younger. This was just a memory of her.
"Go to sleep. Its okay." the boy said. I looked up at him.
"What if they come back? Those monsters?" I asked. I felt someone kneel down next to the mattress. It was a woman and she was middle aged but was still beautiful.
"They won't come back. They are all gone." She told me.
"Everything is locked up. Nice and tight." a man said walking up behind her and placing His hand on her shoulder.
I nodded my head and my eyes began to feel heavy.
"Okay" I mumbled still unconvinced.
"Goodnight Eliza." the woman said. She and the man kissed my head and walked away.
"Goodnight mummy. Goodnight daddy." i said.
"See? Nothing to be scared about," the boy said pulling a blanket gently over The three of us.
"I'm still scared, big brother." I admitted.
"We are all fine," he said "look, Lizzie is sleeping. If she is brave enough you should be too. You are the same age."
"Okay," I said getting sleepier. My head fell gently onto his chest and I closed my eyes. "Goodnight Lizzie, Goodnight..."***
I was woken up by a small pain in my arm. I opened my eyes slowly and then the pain went away. I sat up quickly realising Dr. Crawford was standing next to the bed I was laying on. She was facing a rolling cart with an empty syringe in her hand.
"What the bloody Hell are you doing?" I yelled holding where she had just injected me.
"I am sorry for waking you up but I was hoping you would sleep through your shot." she told me.
My eyes began to feel heavy. My breathing picked up as I tried to stay awake "What did you give me?"
"Audrey, you have to under-"
"What did you just give me?" I said standing up. I needed to keep myself awake.
"I am sorry." she told me. I felt a sudden wave of nausea and I almost collapsed. I grabbed onto the bed. My eyes closed and I fell to the floor. I opened my eyes as much as I could but my vision was blurry. I could make out Dr. Crawford motioning people into the room. People in lab coats brought a bed like cart in through the door and wasted no time in picking me up onto it.
"She will be out for a few hours so we have time. Janson said we could wait until Teresa is done then begin with Audrey." Dr. Nelson told the people.
"Will you need help?" a man asked
"No I can manage." the doctor said.
I unwillingly went to sleep.

Hey! I just feel like I really need to apologize for this cliff hanger and for the short update.
I'm sorry!!!!!!

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