Chapter Six

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We ran through the large warehouse before Thomas took a sharp turn leading us all down a wide white hallway. At the end was a large gray door. Thomas ran up to it and pulled out a key card. He began to furiously swipe it into a pad next to the door.  The lock glowed red each time and the door didn't open.
"No, no, no, no" Thomas muttered repeatedly. He continued to try with the card but the door refused to open.
"What are we doing?" I asked again but no one answered.
"Thomas!" Janson's voice rang out from the beginning of the hall. We all turned to see him walking towards us slowly with a line of armed guards with shields right behind him blocking off the way we came from.
Thomas raised the gun after throwing the key card to the floor and aimed it at the man. Janson raised his arms as of to say he want a threat but Thomas didn't back down. "Open this door Janson"
"You really don't want me to." Janson replied
Thomas began to walk towards him with the gun raised. "Open the damn door-"
"Listen to me!" Janson yelled. Behind me Minho picked up the key and was trying to get the door to open but it still remained closed. "We are trying to save your life! The Maze was one thing, but you guys wouldn't last one day out in the Scorch! If the elements don't kill you the cranks will. Thomas you have to believe me! I only want what's best for you!"
"Yeah and let me guess..." Thomas said heavily "W.I.C.K.E.D. is good?"
I looked at Teresa who was just as confused as me. I turned to Newt and he didn't seem surprised at all.
"What?" I whispered to the boys But again no one answered. I looked back up at Thomas. Janson lowered his hands.
"Your not getting through that door Thomas." Janson shook his head.
A loud beep came from behind us and I jumped and grabbed Minho's arm. We turned and the door was opening to reveal Winston and the dark haired boy from the girl's maze.
"Come on!" Winston told us and we all stepped under the door.
"Thomas!" Newt yelled "Come on, lets go!"
Thomas began to fire the gun at the guards. Janson took refuge behind one of the shields as Thomas shot off the small grenades without aiming. The gray door began to close and we all called out for Thomas to run. He began to run backwards while still shooting. When he ran out of grenades he tried throwing the gun at the men. He turned and ran as fast as he could. The door was getting closer to The ground until it looked like he wouldn't make it. At the last second he flung his body to the ground and slid under the door barely making or through. Newt and I helped him to his feet as the dark haired boy took a fire extinguisher and hit the key pad on this side of the door. It fell to the ground and let out sparks. Janson couldn't open the door.
Minho grabbed my arm and pulled me towards another door that took up the entire back wall of the warehouse we had just entered. Thomas stepped forward and pulled a long red trigger. The door slid open slowly. Strong wind blew sand through the opening and I blocked my face with my hands to stop it from getting in my eyes. Everyone began to run forward and I lowers my arms and squinted. I followed Minho out.
The wind was enough to blow us all down and the flying Sand made it hard to see. I could still make out the outline of the helicopter pad we had landed on when we first got here. It was lit up by small lights along the base. Once we passed those it was pitch black. I put my hands out so I didn't run into anything. I knew Minho should have been somewhere to my right.
"Minho!" I called choking on the wind and sand.
"Aud!" I heard him shout. He was close to my right so I stumbled towards his voice. "Aud!"
"Where is she?" I heard Newt ask him worried. I grabbed onto someone's arm.
"Minho? Newt?" I asked.
"Its me." Minho said putting an arm around my waist helping me all through the wind. "I got her Newt!" He yelled to my brother.
"Where are you?" Newt yelled
"We're to your left a bit." I responded and I felt some one bump into me. I grabbed their shoulder and knew it was Newt.
"Thomas! Winston! Frypan! Chuck! Teresa!" Minho yelled
"We are all right here!" Teresa's voice yelled. They were next to Newt.
"Come on! We need to get out of here!" Thomas told us. A few seconds later Newt was pulling my arm forward and I grabbed Minho hand for him to follow. I figured we were all just walking in a line holding into each other's hands or arms. After walking uphill for a few minutes we all slid down a sand dune and peered over the top to look back at the building we just came from. People on four wheelers were flooding out of the open door with flashlights looking for us.
"We need to keep moving. Keep your heads down." Thomas told us "we can loose then in the storm."
We all slowly backed away from the top of the hill with our heads low. Once we were safely down the same dune we all ran in the opposite direction. We ran passed what looked like a building that had been half buried in the sand. It had a broken window and Teresa ran to it.
"Come on." she said
"We don't know what's-Teresa no!" Thomas began but she had already climbed into the window.
"Come on get down here!" her voice rang.
"Okay lets go" Thomas said following her.
Newt went in front of me and held out his hand I grabbed it and stepped through.
"Be careful" he told me and I almost responded with "always" but it didn't feel like the right time. Instead we both began to slide down a pile of sand that had built up. When We reached the bottom we stumbled onto a concrete floor.
Immediately Thomas began to run forward mumbling to us. He tried to pull Teresa with him but she yanked her arm back.
"Thomas no." she told him but he ignored her.
"Thomas stop!" I yelled causing him to become quiet. "Tell us what's going on."

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