Chapter One

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My brother is the worst person on the planet.

            Evangeline Willows stands at the front gates of Burnwood University, distaste heightening her senses. If she hadn't bet her brother she wouldn't be standing here with a bag slung over her shoulder. The thought of interacting with humans without having a unsettling, to say the least.

            Her midnight hair twirls around her fingers in thought as someone suddenly bumps into her. They keep going without saying a work, the slight frame scurrying through the gates. Brown hair flows out behind her as she leaves. Frowning, Evangeline rolls her eyes and looks down at the piece of paper in her hands. Hollow Hall (what a clever name) is where Evangeline has been assigned to stay with some girl named Zelda Piper. Why am I doing this to myself? Evangeline wonders as she walks into the campus while twirling her daylight ring. The sapphire glints in the sunlight, almost as if the sunlight knows it's preventing Evangeline from bursting into flames at any given moment.

            It wasn't hard to get a spot in new student body. Just a little compulsion, and Evangeline was in. Not too hard. Hopefully, however, no one finds out her secret. That would be bad for everyone. Evangeline was never fond of being a vampire, but as soon as she was turned she didn't have the strength to end it.

            Now, here she is, at a college campus...about to go against her nature to kill anything with a heartbeat. Evangeline pauses in finding her dorm when someone stumbles into her yet again. "You've got to be kidding!" Evangeline mutters as her bag slips from her shoulder.

            "Sorry," A deep voice chuckles from above Evangeline's head, and she clenches her jaw as she picks up her bag.

            When she looks up she's staring into the eyes of what must be one of the most gorgeous guys she's ever seen in her almost 700 years of living. His green eyes twinkle in humor as he smirks down at her, his blond hair rustling slightly in the breeze. There is lean muscle under the dark tee shirt he wears, which has ridden up since he put his fingers in his hair. His jeans are tucked into his black combat boots, which make him even sexier.

            I wonder what his blood would taste like. Evangeline licks her bottom lip before shaking the thought away. "It's fine." She mutters before stepping around him and continuing on her way.

            The campus isn't huge, only a few buildings, but Evangeline doesn't mind. Honestly, the only thing she cares about is that she will make it through this experience without accidentally exposing herself. Maybe she'll even make some human friends. Evangeline laughs under her breath at that, knowing she would never be able to make friends with humans.

            Hollow Hall resides right beside what looks to be a lake of some sort, the sparkling blue water obstructed by trees overhead. At least the location is beautiful. The Hall itself is a short building, maybe three stories at the highest, made out of grey bricks. The double doors are glass, with silver metal for a door frame. It's cool to the touch, causing a shiver to race up Evangeline's spine as she pushes it open.

            Inside there is a desk to her left and plush chairs surrounding a fireplace in front of her. There are two sets of hallways, one to her left, and one to her right. Her room number is on the second floor in the even section. Which is to her left, apparently. Her body hums in anticipation as she darts up the stairs quickly.

            Room 232. She places the keycard into the lock, hearing a soft click as the door unlocks. Pushing the room open, she's surprised to find her roommate has already been here.

            The suite itself is amazing – apparently some of the best housing on campus – and has a sort of apartment feel. Upon entering there is a small living room space with kitchen appliances on the wall next to her. There are two other rooms, bathrooms for each individual room. There is only one bed in each room, but apparently the other girl already chose the right side so Evangeline is stuck with the left.

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