Chapter Eight

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"Don't move."

Groggily, Evangeline does the exact opposite of the mysterious voice. A headache pounds behind her eyes, and suddenly the situation feels completely weird. A vampire with a headache? What in the...?

Her eyes fly open as she clutches at her head. "Told you not to move." The male voice says, a smirk apparent in his voice.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Evangeline snaps, gritting her teeth as pain filters through her stomach muscles. That can't be right.

"You should if you know what's good for you."

Her eyes snap over to the voice, a familiar pair of emerald eyes gazing back at her. Her eyes widen and her hand falls away from her face. "You're that boy that ran into me!" Her voice is accusing.

He laughs. "I think the name you're looking for is 'Chase'. I'm Chase Clearblood."

Evangeline tenderly touches her stomach, the lines on her stomach slowly healing. Why didn't they heal instantly?

"How long have I been out?" Evangeline whispers, her eyes gazing out at the night sky.

"A...week." Chase admits, closing his blinds quickly.

"A week!?" Heart pounding in her ears, she shoots out of the bed. A woozy feeling rushes up to her head and she steadies herself on the bed post. "What did you do to me?" She demands, gritting her teeth.

"I healed you." Chase answers. "The side effects are only temporary."

"Great. Did you use magic to do it?" Evangeline had had her fair amounts of run ins with witches and warlocks. She knew what using healing magic would do to her. Couldn't say she particularly liked the feeling.

Chase seems taken aback by the question at first, before realization dawns on him. "You aren't human, are you?"

"Look who hit the nail on the head!" Evangeline rolls her eyes.

"I saved your life-"

"Beg to differ."

"-the least you can do is not talk that way towards me." Anger flares in his nostrils. "I could have left you for dead against the hunters."

Suddenly, Evangeline remembers everything clear as day.

The wolf bit into her arm, Evangeline trying to control her scream as her hands wrapped around its neck easily. In the next instant, the wolf's broken corpse was at her feet. Her breath comes out in gasps as she watches the wound heal completely over. How she is going to explain getting away from a wolf to her friends, she has no idea.

"Look what we have here." A snarky male voice says, and Evangeline turns quickly to face them.

The hunters look how she remembers, their leather jackets having been updated since their first encounter. The man holds his gleaming silver sword in one hand, a pistol aimed at her in the other.

"When we got word you were here, we couldn't resist. No one, well no creature, escapes the hands of a hunter. How you managed to slip away is beyond me." He laughs wildly. "I'd heard stories of the big bad vampire everyone should fear. Supposedly stronger than any they'd ever come across because of abilities vampires shouldn't have..."

Evangeline tips her head to the side, eyes on the gun. Silver bullets most likely. That was the hunters' signature metal. It also burned like hell to try and take out. That and wood would stop vampires in their tracks. "Are you going to talk all day, or are you going to kill me?"

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