Chapter Twenty-Four

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                   Sarafine knew, without a doubt, that she was losing.

           Her depression was resurfacing, it felt like a struggle to get out of bed, her insomnia kicking in at three in the morning.

            Even playing the trombone didn't help. No matter what she tried, she couldn't for the life of her get back up out of the slump she'd burdened herself with. Was it because Evangeline saved her life and then seemed to disappear in the night? Or was it because she felt useless when a gun was pointed at her?

            Sarafine rolls over in her bed, snuggling deeper in the blankets. Lynn's empty bed makes her feel even more alone and she feels about ready to disappear.

            A knock on her door startles her, so she pushes herself out of her bed. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to even put her feet down on the floor. Soreness spreads through her limbs as she flips on the light. Opening the door widely, she's surprised to see Evangeline and Judi standing on the other side.

            "Evangeline. Holy crap." She whispers. "I thought you ran for the hills."

            Sarafine gazes openly at Evangeline, who takes a deep breath. "Judi made me see why it was imperative that I came back. Will you come with me?"


            Judi tips her head to the side as Evangeline smiles. "Just come."

            Sarafine grabs her keycard quickly, shutting the door behind her. "Lead the way."

            And so she does.

            The trek across campus doesn't take that long, and all three girls stay quiet for most of the trip. Sarafine instantly recognizes the music center when they approach. Wonder spreads through her as she glances at Evangeline. "Why are we here?"

            Evangeline glances back at her. "Ever since I saved your life, I've felt...different."

            Sarafine tips her head to the side. "What do you mean by different?"

            Evangeline blinks a couple of times. "As a vampire, we lose a part of our human side the older we get. By activating my angel blood, it turned the humanity up to an eleven." She sighs. "Meaning, I've been a little more emotional than I'm used to."

            Evangeline opens the doors to the concert hall, and Sarafine gasps. "What are we doing here?"

            Evangeline pulls out a guitar from behind one of the rows of seats. "Sarafine, you do know how to play piano, right?"

            Sarafine nods. "Why are you asking me that?"

            "Because, we're going to play a song together."

            "Why is Judi here?"

            "To listen and access." Judi sits down in one of the seats. "Have a blast."

            Sarafine gives Evangeline a look. "Are you serious right now?" Her heart hammers in her throat. She's used to playing when it's not just her and one other person. Now Judi is here, about to listen to her play music.

            Evangeline smiles. "Of course." She then disappears and reappears on the stage. Sarafine's mouth falls open as Evangeline pulls the guitar strap over her head. She taps on the microphone in front of her, then says into it, "Are you going to join me up here, are you going to stand down there all by your lonesome?"

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