Chapter Twenty-Seven

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                   Aquila stares at the open water, a frown on her features. Two days until Halloween. She could go as a mermaid...but wouldn't that be way too predictable?

            Keeping herself grounded, she chews on her bottom lip. She's debating jumping in. She feels as though she's been away from water too long, but if she gets in...will she want to get back out? In the water, everything is simpler.

            A sudden realization hits and she frowns. She didn't come here for life to be easy. She came here to find out what it was like to be human. Apparently, not that great.

            Aquila steps back from the water. This is wrong. She should be helping her friends. Not trying to run away like a scared little girl. That's what her father expects her to. He expects her to pack her bags and go running back to him.

            She refuses. She is not going to do that.

            "Aquila?" at the mention of her name, she turns quickly. Annalise stands there, a concerned look on her face. "Don't tell me you were about to jump in."

            Aquila feels her cheeks burn. "Definitely not."

            "Good." Annalise smiles brightly. "So what are you doing?"

            "Contemplating life." Aquila answers, a smirk falling on her lips. "What about you?"

            Annalise runs her hands up and down her arms, and Aquila raises her brows. "I'm still freaking out."

            "About your brothers?" Aquila asks. Her brown eyes glitter as she begins walking back towards the Hollow Hall with Annalise by her side. Annalise seems like she doesn't want to answer, so Aquila whispers, "It'll be okay."

            "You don't know my family." Annalise murmurs.

            "I could say the same." Aquila sighs. "You want to know what I was really doing beside the water...I was debating jumping in or not. Taking the easy way out." Her heart thunders in her ear. "I didn't want to become involved in any of this. So, I thought it might be easier on me if I just jumped into the water and stayed there for a while. But then...then I remembered my father. How if I even dip my toe in natural water, he can summon me back to him. He expects me to take the easy way out. He told me from the beginning I wouldn't like playing human. The weird thing is, I'm not playing human. You guys know what I am, so I don't have to pretend. That's what he didn't predict."

            Annalise smiles, her green eyes darting around the trees. "You have a way of putting things into perspective."

            "Don't I?" Aquila laughs.

            "Please don't ever jump in." Annalise whispers a few moments later, when they've almost reached the doors to the building.

            Aquila glances at the Fae girl, her eyes sparkling from the sunlight streaming through tree limbs just to land in her eyes. "I promise, Annalise."

            Annalise takes off down the path, and Aquila turns her gaze back towards the lake once more. While the blue water is enticing, Aquila is certain that she doesn't need to go back in quite yet. She releases a breath and turns on her heel to leave. Someone stands on the path ahead, and her heart begins hammering in her chest.

            "Annalise?" She whispers.

            The man steps forward, his blond hair shining. His green eyes sparkle as a smirk dons on his lips. He slowly lifts a finger to his lips, and Aquila feels her chest tighten.

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