Chapter Twenty-Nine

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                   His foot bobs up and down under the desk and he chews on the end of his pen as he stares at the math. He can do magic no problem, but a freaking calculus question and he has no idea what in the hell to do.

            Some warlock he is, right?

            Chase pauses in his torture to see Maxwell browsing one of the sections of the library. What in the hell? Maxwell doesn't study. Or go to the library.

            Something is off, and Chase isn't really sure what it is at the present moment. Maybe he'll figure it out if he looks long enough. Then again, staring is rude. But, glances every so often aren't. Find your loopholes.

            Chase slowly closes his books, studying the attractive werewolf. Black hair lays over gorgeous brown eyes, tan skin exposed when his shirt rides up. Chase pushes down the emotions that surface at such an attractive body. Chase is bisexual, but he normally doesn't act on his attractiveness to males. But Maxwell is a knock out.

            Taking a deep breath, Chase stands from his seat and picks up his book bag. Maxwell glances up from his book search and gives Chase a small smile. Chase smirks back as he passes. Maxwell watches Chase disappear out the door.

            Heart thundering in his chest, Maxwell is tempted to chase after the drop dead handsome warlock. It's no crime to be bisexual in his pack, but he knows from experience that getting involved with a warlock could lead to some bad...incidents. Warlocks are definitely not supposed to be anything other than straight. Some weird thing with the covens. Who knows.

            Maxwell sighs as he catches sight of a smirking Zane with Annalise following slowly behind. Ever since they'd gotten back, Annalise had barely left her boyfriend in question's side, so far as Maxwell had seen. Annalise looks happier than he's ever seen her before, and same goes for Zane. Annalise holds up a book triumphantly, and Zane gives her a 'really' sort of look.

            Even from here, you can hear Annalise's laugh.

            Crossing the floor to where they stand, Maxwell lets out a deep breath. "Zane."

            "Maxwell." Zane raises his eyebrows. "Can I help you?" Annalise is busy looking at one of the other shelves, and Maxwell builds up his confidence.

            "Is your brother straight?"

            Zane's face lights up. "Are you thinking about inviting him to the Halloween party?" Zane seems thrilled by the idea. It confuses Maxwell, that much is certain. Aren't warlocks supposed to want everyone in the coven to be straight?

            Maxwell's face warms. "Maybe." Maxwell shuffles from foot to foot, waiting for Zane to respond.

            He's totally thrown off guard when it isn't Zane's voice that speaks next. "You totally should." Annalise turns her gaze, innocence in her eyes even though she had been listening in on their conversation. "People need to have a good time every once in a while." She picks up a book, looking at Zane. "We're already going." Maxwell can see something in her eyes, a sort of glint he longs to have with someone that means the world to him. He's never really had that.

            "Go get him, man." Zane pats Maxwell on the shoulder before grabbing Annalise's hand. Zane smirks down at the Fae, and Maxwell realizes the warlock is just as devoted, if not more. They walk out of the library together, and Maxwell feels his heart drum faster.

            There's one thing he wants right now.


            Maxwell then proceeds to run out of the library.

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