Chapter Two

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                   Staring down in her lap, Zelda frowns at the sketchpad. Nothing. There is absolutely nothing more she wants to draw. Honestly? She'd rather made a crane.

            Ripping out the piece of paper, she makes a square out of it and begins the routine her fingers have memorized by this point. Soon enough there is a small crane in her palm and she smiles down at it. She will never tire of making the origami creature. It seems to calm her. She used to need a way to stay calm, for not staying calm causes rapid changes between human and hybrid.

            Oh that's right. Zelda is a hybrid between a unicorn and a Pegasus. Her human form is the skin she feels uncomfortable with, but at the moment she can't exactly go parading about as a mythical creature on school grounds.

            Someone sits down clumsily next to her, startling her thoughts. Her roommate, Evangeline, looks over at her with a smirk on her face. Zelda's smile reappears as Evangeline glances down at the crane in Zelda's fingers. Zelda desperately wants to make friends with the girl, but it might be difficult considering the girl seems very standoffish. Plus, her energy is self-loathing and constantly dark. It would be a challenge, but Zelda was sure she could do it if she put her mind to it.

            Evangeline plucks the crane from Zelda's hand, a laugh bubbling out of her lips. "You know, I used to be able to make these."

            Taking the crane back, Zelda quickly stuffs it back into her bag. "It's not that hard to reteach yourself if you try to."

            "I'm sure I'd merely forget again if I gave it a go again." Evangeline holds one of her headphones in her fingers, spinning it around. She doesn't even seem aware of the action as it twists and spins in her grip. "Are you into art?" She asks, before her gaze turns towards the girl with the tan skin making their way out of building as if on a mission. Her dark hair frames her face flatteringly, her lips in a tight frown as she moves along the path. "What do you think her story is?"

            Evangeline's voice in Zelda's ear is startling, but she takes it in stride. All her life she's had to deal with heightened hearing, but it still bugs her sometimes. "Who knows? Maybe she doesn't want to be here and is still mad about it." Zelda is concerned when Evangeline laughs. Glancing at the girl, Zelda breaks into a grin. "What's so funny?"

            "I didn't want to be here either, but you don't see me stomping around like that." She breaks into more laughter, her violet eyes the strangest color Zelda had ever come across. There rarity is shocking, but when they do show up they are beautiful. Especially on the flawless girl in front of her. I am not jealous of her good looks. Screw that.

            Evangeline seems confident in her appearance, way more than Zelda is. Zelda has always found her human form something easily unnoticeable if need be, but Evangeline...she had a beauty from a different level altogether.

            Evangeline stops laughing when a boy steps into view, a frown immediately etching her features. "What's wrong?" Zelda whispers before glancing at the two boys.

            Her eyes are immediately drawn to the boy with dark brown locks and glittering hazel eyes. His entire face is lit up in laughter at whatever the other one has said, but Zelda notices that he seems to be a little nervous. For what reason, she has no idea.

            "That boy ran into me this morning." Evangeline mutters, her voice tight.

            "Which one?" Zelda glances back at the pair, noting that the second boy is a little taller with blonde hair and twinkling emerald eyes.

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