Chapter Nine

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Lynn had a headache. All of her friends are yelling and screaming at each other about what they should do except for her and Judi. They sit in front of Hollow Hall, Judi's head on her knees. Lynn's stretched out, trying to figure out why she'd just traveled back to witness Evangeline being almost cut in half. Of course the girls had explained to her that none of them were human, but why did she have to witness that? Of all things to see, why that gory scene?

"They're not something we can fight!" Evangeline hisses, causing Lynn to look up suddenly.

"How would you know-?" Annalise starts, nostrils flaring.

"Lynn saw me almost get caught in half," Evangeline says. "She wasn't dreaming it. I almost did get cut in half! It was almost three hundred years ago now, but the hunters found me and almost killed me. I was lucky to get away from them when I did. And then I didn't stop running. How do you think I managed to survive all these years?"

"Just how old are you?" Sarafine asks, her eyes going wide.

"Never ask a girl her age." Evangeline answers, a smirk on her lips. Zelda laughs, her different colored eyes shining. She's obviously excited that her roommate is back. Lynn glances between the two, knowing that their friendship is likely going to develop to best friends in the future. Lynn was envious. She wanted a best friend like that. But who was going to be that for her?

Judi elbows Lynn's side. Lynn glances over just in time to catch Judi's eye rolling. "They're being ridiculous." She whispers.

"True." Lynn laughs.

Evangeline lets out a groan, throwing her hands up in the air. "Fine! We'll stay. But it's everyone's funerals!"

The sound of whistling fills the air, causing Lynn to wince. "They don't even know any of us aren't human-" Annalise starts to say, but it cut off by someone's cry of pain. Sarafine collapses, red blossoming on her white shirt. Evangeline hops into action, catching her before she can hit the ground.

"Get inside!" Evangeline yells. She then looks at Annalise. "Go get your roommate."

"Zane? How can he-?"

Another whistle and Lynn feels something pass right through her. A burning sensation stings her, causing her eyes to widen. She hasn't felt pain since she was alive. Why did a bullet hurt?

Lynn begins to wobble as Annalise runs inside without a second thought. Evangeline drags Sarafine out of the line of fire, the poor girl's breathing having gone shallow. More shots ring out, but there's no one to hit other than Evangeline and Judi. Evangeline takes a deep breath and Lynn watches as the blood wells up on her arm. Judi hisses, and Lynn sees more red.

"Silver." Evangeline grinds out, picking up Sarafine in her arms. "We have to get her inside."

Judi merely nods, helping Lynn to her feet. Racing inside, Zelda helps carry Sarafine onto one of the couches in the entry way. The attendant normally seated at the desk isn't here. (Thank god) Lynn touches her stomach lightly, wondering why should could feel it as it entered her body. She can't be hurt.

"You might want to sit down, Lynn. It's going to hurt crazy worse if you continue standing." Evangeline says as she rips Sarafine's shirt off. The redhead has started sweating like crazy, her green eyes covered in tears. "God it's stuck inside." Evangeline makes a face, chewing on her bottom lip.

"We need to get it out." Judi starts, but pauses when Evangeline gives her a look.

"You don't think I know that?" Evangeline grounds out, standing quickly. She sits Judi down on one of the lounge chairs right as the front doors shatter. Zelda screams, her eyes going wide. Lynn's head is filling fast with dizziness, her eyes widening at the people standing outside. Black leather jackets, shotguns and pistols, and anger written in their eyes.

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