Chapter Nineteen

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There were hands that were trying to hold her down.

Her head felt as though it was underwater. She couldn't get air into her system fast enough. Which is crazy considering.

It's crazy considering she's dead.

Lynn's brain felt about ready to explode as she pulled and tugged to get free. "Hold her steady!" Someone yelled, but it seemed distant.

"We're losing her!"

Lights flood her vision, and a landscape breaks out in her sights. A meadow of sorts, with grass greener than real life and rose buds the color of blood. Lynn is confused as her eyes wander the space. Artificial trees surround the meadow, looking as though placed specifically to try and trip her up.

She begins walking. Fast. She has no idea where she is, but she takes off. The brisk walk eventually turns into a dead on sprint as she races to get out of the trees.

When white buildings appear in her vision, she skids to a stop before she has an opportunity to crash straight into one. Confusion weaves through her body as she takes a step back. This is new. She places her hand onto the side of the building, trying to make herself go through. Her hand stays solid.

What in the hell? I'm dead...

Lynn glances around, finding herself moving around the building carefully. Her eyes wander into a random alleyway, and she finds herself frowning even more than she was. Where...?

"Oh thank god." A voice says from behind her. She whirls around, finding a pair of violet eyes.

"Evangeline? Where on earth are we?" Lynn glances around, trying to collect her bearings.

Evangeline's lips part. "You don't...remember?"

Lynn shakes her head, and Evangeline's eyes grow sad immediately. "I'm sorry."

That's when she notices what Evangeline is wearing. Her hair is back in a braid, and ever since Lynn has known her the girl never wears her hair back in any sort of way. Her eyes are done dark with makeup, and she wears a tank top covered in dirt with jean shorts that are the same way. On her feet is a pair of combat boots.

Evangeline takes a deep breath. "Nothing?" She confirms.


Evangeline curses. "What year is it?" She finally asks.

"Are you insane? It's 2016."

Evangeline's eyes widen in horror. "Oh god." She takes a deep breath. "We have to get out of the open."

"What are you talking about?" Lynn could feel something stirring in her chest.

She doesn't wait, instead latching onto Lynn's arm and tugging them away. That's when Lynn hears it. The sound of a vehicle moving fast. Lynn suddenly knew what the feeling in her chest was.

It was fear.

"Evangeline, what is going on?!" She yells as Evangeline drags her on.

"It isn't 2016." Evangeline says in response right as the gunfire starts.

"It has to be!" Lynn yells back.

Evangeline makes a noise in the back of her throat, picking up Lynn in her arms. "You're too slow." She mutters before taking off in a sprint. Lynn felt her vertigo drop out as Evangeline whips through the trees.

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