Chapter Thirty-One

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                   Already starting her morning binge, Evangeline sits at the counter Monday morning. She opens the cereal box and just starts eating. It's been this way for the past like...week...and she can't freaking stop.

            The party had been shut down when she'd attended, some freak calling the campus cops. Evangeline had had to compel them to forget it had ever happened. She hated compelling, but she really didn't want Chase getting expelled. Especially when Maxwell finally asked him out. Chase didn't try to show it, but it was clear that night that he was overjoyed.

            "Bright light." Zelda mutters as she walks into the room. Evangeline glances over, watching the girl who's moving like a zombie.

            "Isn't that my line?" Swinging her legs around, she watches Zelda make a grab for the cereal box that isn't there. Her eyes narrow at the empty spot, a grimace on her lips. She turns slowly and Evangeline waves the box in the air.

            "Okay," Zelda grabs the box from Evangeline's grip, and Evangeline laughs lightly. "This has got to stop." Zelda says as she pours herself a bowl. "You are eating everything under the sun. What is up with that?" Zelda goes to the fridge and finds the milk, pouring that on top of her cereal as well.

            "Honestly, I have no idea." Evangeline runs her fingers through her hair. "I just have a craving for human food now."

            Zelda gives her best friend a look. "A craving?"

            "Yeah. Don't you ever have cravings?" Evangeline asks, blinking her eyes slowly. She hops off of the stool, going to the cupboards and pulling out a bag of chips.

            "Are all of your cravings unhealthy?" Zelda mutters as Evangeline opens it.

            Evangeline sits back down on the stool, swinging it left and right. She never got laid, but it doesn't really matter to her at the moment. Of course, getting some would have offset some of her cravings, but whatever. She's over it.

            Zelda grabs the bag of chips. "Hey!" Evangeline protests. "I was eating those."

            "You're eating everything under the sun. What is wrong with you?"

            Evangeline makes a face. "Zelda, nothing. I'm fine."

            "Are you stress eating?" Zelda raises her brows, giving Evangeline a once over. "You're totally stress eating."

            Swallowing the knot in the back of her throat, Evangeline runs her fingers through her hair. "Was I?" Evangeline looks at her phone, noticing a text from Lynn about their costumes for tonight. "Totally didn't notice." Evangeline murmurs.

            "Is everything okay?" Zelda sits down on the stool next to her.

            "Sure, it's totally fantastic."

            "Ah yes. Sarcasm at its finest." Zelda puts her hand on Evangeline's thigh, and Evangeline slowly looks up at the girl's different colored eyes. "Are you going to tell your best friend what's happening in that vampire head of yours, or is she going to have to guess until you're forced to tell her?"

            "Ever since I came back to life...I've been feeling things more strongly. Human emotions." She pulls her leg up onto the stool with her, wrapping one of her arms around her legs.

            "Ever since the angel part of you was activated, you mean?"

            Evangeline's eyes stay trained on her socks. "Do you think it altered me in some way?"

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