Chapter Thirty-Three

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                   Lynn stumbles, Evangeline's hands coming out to support her. "Where are we going?" Lynn asks.

            Evangeline sighs. "You need to sober up."

            "I need to sober up?" Lynn's words slur.

            "Is everything all right here?" Lynn can barely see, but she does catch a pair of green eyes staring at her. Green. So mesmerizing. Just like hers! And Sarafine's...and Annalise's...and...

            Have the walls always been white?

            "Everything's fine." Evangeline's voice is tight as she speaks. Lynn wonders why. This boy looks nice enough. Green eyes and blondish hair. Maybe it's brown. Lynn doesn't really care.

            "She looks a little drunk. Are you sure you don't need help getting her back to her room?" He eyes Lynn.

            Evangeline sighs and Lynn tips her head to the side. "You don't really want to help." Evangeline murmurs, and Lynn stiffens. Her head clears slightly as she looks at the boy again. He wears all black, and Lynn is wondering why...

            The gun is pointed at them before Lynn can comprehend, and suddenly she is pushed behind Evangeline's body. "Aw, how cute." The boy says with a laugh. "You're a protective vampire. Didn't know such things existed."

            "How about vampires with abilities?" Evangeline's hand shoots out, and his wrist snaps. The boy's eyes widen, and Lynn feels a dizziness sway over her.

            "Oh crap." Lynn mutters. "I'm going under."

            Evangeline catches the ghost as Lynn disappears into the past.

            Lynn looks around the setting, recognizing the horse drawing carriages. Lynn feels her eyes widen as she sees a familiar boy with eyes like liquid fire. His eyes seem to focus in on her, and her breathing stops. No one can see her.

            He winks, and she watches in breathless wonder as a pair of dark wings outstretch from his back.

            September. Lynn watches him take flight, them begins to ponder. How could he see her? How could Evangeline see her in the past the other couple of times?

            A carriage stops right in front of her, a plump woman exiting. Behind her is a bored looking male with light hair and blue eyes. The woman fusses over his hat, trying to fix his trousers as well. Lynn lets out a soft giggle as another boy exits, looking about the same age and basically the same features.

            Zane and Chase. Maybe their ancestors?

            The woman rolls her eyes. "You two are going to be the death of me, I swear."

            "Sorry mother," Zane says, eyes aglow.

            "Come on now." She waves her fan at them, and Lynn watches as Zane chuckles. Chase rolls his eyes as they head towards the large estate.

            A familiar girl exits the building, her violet eyes warm. Warm? That doesn't seem right to describe her vampire friend. "Thank you kindly." She says to the lord, her cheeks a bright pink. "I must be on my way."

            "If you are certain."

            "I am!" Evangeline cries, and turns on her heel. She nearly runs straight into Zane, but dodges at the last minute. Her maid, Lacey, trails out of the house after her, clearly annoyed with the situation.

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