Chapter Twenty-One

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He knew something was up when he was released from his binds. Two other men immediately strapped on a pair of cuffs that cut off his magic and he silently cursed to himself as the blue haired woman shows back up in front of him.

She smirks at him. He merely glares back. "I hope you told your loved ones you loved them." She laughs manically as her two...uh...bodyguards step up behind her. Brown hair and clear blue eyes, the boy has rough edges. The girl has curly hair that has been pulled back into a ponytail behind her head. She also has brown hair, but it is a mix with red and blonde streaks throughout. Her blue eyes aren't focused on anything in particular.

"What loved ones?" Zane grits out. His heart squeezes painfully as a pair of green eyes flashes in his mind. I can't think about her right now.

Chase's face flashes next, and Zane bites down on the inside of his cheek to keep from making a movement to alert them that he's actually feeling emotions. The bastard actually has feelings. The leader runs her knife along the hollow part of his throat, nicking it lightly. She smirks. "You belong to me now."

"What are you going to do with me?" Zane felt dead on the inside.

"Whatever we want, honey cakes." She gestures, and the man behind Zane pushes him forward. "We can do whatever. We can sell you; make you a worker, experiment. It's whatever we want." Her laugh haunts his ears as they move.

I'm in for a hellish ride. Zane keeps his head high as he is lead past a room. Inside, he sees a familiar flash of blonde hair. She seems to be sleeping, except that there are a bunch of cords attached places on her body. How they got her to such a state is beyond Zane. What they are doing to her...Zane shivers the thought away. These people are obviously monsters.

A door ahead creaks open, and Zane feels his heart climb into his throat. He wants to plant his feet. Refuse to go inside.

They'd force him either way. He's useless without his magic.

"Sit." She pushes him down into the only seat. This feeling in his chest, the feeling of being a rag doll, makes him want to burn this whole building down. He hates feeling this way. He's never felt this useless before.

The others leave, and brown eyes smiles. "You ready to experience hell?" She whispers, right as she sends the first shock through him.

Wind raises the hair on the back of his neck as he moves, the light bearing down on his shoulders. His father wanted him to deliver something to the Fae kingdom, so Zane found his way down here. It's as simple as that. Although, Zane hates it. The Fae's world doesn't have any of the hardships that the Earth plane does.

If they're forced to stay down here, they should really know what life is like outside of this place. They should be able to experience what it feels like to be rejected, beaten...

Zane shakes the thoughts away before his childhood can begin to haunt him again. Right as he turns a corner, he runs right into someone. The bag they were carrying slides off her shoulder onto the ground, and he reaches out automatically to steady them. The girl lets out an annoyed noise.

Her green eyes sparkle from the Fae sun as she drops down to pick up items from the ground. Her brown hair blows wildly in the wind and Zane finds himself interested in the girl. She looks back up at him as he kneels down to help. "Don't you ever look where you're going?" Her snippiness makes him smirk.

"I could ask you the same question." He hands her a small book, and she snatches it away quickly.

"Just don't do it again." She says, standing quickly. She hurries on her way, and Zane stares after the firework. She seems to be in a hurry that much is obvious. Zane watches her until she is out of sight.

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