Chapter Twelve

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Only three of the girls went to the party held in her dorm. Evangeline, Zelda, and Annalise. Evangeline told Annalise to come, experience it. If she didn't like it, Evangeline would make sure Zane held no more. If she did...

            Lynn had been too shaken up so she'd went back to her dorm. Sarafine promised to keep an eye on the poor girl. Judi and Aquila decided they wanted coffee more.

Annalise takes a deep breath, putting her keycard into the door before pushing it open. Loud music thumps in her heart as she takes a step inside. The other two girls follow her in, Zelda looking uncomfortable. Evangeline looks at ease as she moves towards the table with the booze. Of course a vampire would want the liquor. Annalise thinks bitterly.

            Zelda breaks away from her too, going to sit down on the couch to Demetri. Demetri immediately look flustered, and Annalise smiles. She could see them going somewhere. It's nice to think about.

            "Well, well, well. Do my eyes deceive me? I do believe that miss shorty is standing in the middle of a party." Zane's voice breaths on the side of her neck, and Annalise automatically jumps out of her skin. Annalise groans, turning on him. He gives her a side smirk, his blue eyes glittering in the light. "Are you going to try and shut me down again?"

            "I actually came to enjoy myself." Annalise crosses her arms over her chest.

            His smirk widens. "Really? You? You don't seem like the partying type." He takes a sip of something from a red cup. Annalise watches, her eyes narrowed.

            "Well," She takes the cup from him, drowning its contents. The taste is so bad, but at the moment she doesn't care. She just wants Zane off of her back. "If I don't enjoy it, I get to end your parties for good." She gestures with her head towards Evangeline.

            The girl seems to be bartending. Her hands work over the mixers as she combines stuff that Annalise doesn't think would be good. Everyone Evangeline hands drinks too seems to disagree though. They're faces light up like it's some of the best drinks they've ever had. Annalise glances back towards Zane, his smirk disappearing. "It would seem we must make you have a good time then."

            "We?" She cracks up. "If you're idea of a good time ends with us in your bedroom, count me out."

            Zane's eyes light up. "Don't tempt me, gorgeous."

            "I have a name." Annalise says immediately.

            "I prefer not to use names. Come on." He tugs on her hand, leading them to the living room. There is another table set up, people throwing ping pong balls into plastic red cups. Annalise narrows her eyes as someone makes it and the opposing team picks up the cup and drink its entire contents.

            "What is the point of this game?" Annalise asks.

            "To get the other team so drunk that they can no longer walk on their own." Zane answers. "Look at them, love. They're having fun. Do you really want to destroy the dreams of a few college teenagers? Some specifically go to college for the parties. And mine are the best on the block."

            "What about the fraternities?"

            "Their parties are so lame. It always ends with everyone either hooking up and feeling shame in the morning, or everyone lying in a puddle of their tears from the night before."

            "Have you ever felt shame after sleeping with a girl?" Annalise asks the question before she realizes what she's doing.

            Zane chuckles under his breath. "I can said that I have never felt a lick of shame. And neither have they." The air exhaled from his lungs pans across her neck, causing the tiny hairs to stand on end. She shivers, wondering if the beer had some sort of effect on her not.

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