Finding Lucy

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Natsu POV

I left everyone at the guild to go find Lucy. I figured she'd be at her apartment but I didn't quite know what I was going to say.

Would I say- hey Lucy I missed you! By the way I thought about you the whole time and um I love you. Or- hey sorry I was gone so long hope you don't hate me. Or I could just say both.

It was useless, I was useless, a lost cause. I didn't know what I was going to do.

But nothing prepared me for what she was going to say.

I got to her door and gulped. I think I was sweating because I was so nervous.
She answered a few seconds afterwards. Her face of shock was kind of a relief. At least she didn't know I was here.

"Well, I knew you were back but I didn't think you'd come here." She said leaning against the door frame.

Okay so she did know I was here.

"Lucy. Look. I'm really sorry about leaving you on short notice, and for being gone so long but, I want you to know that the whole time I was gone, I couldn't stop thinking about you!" I rushed it out.

Her face was what really surprised me though. She looked sad and angry.

"Your sorry? What do you think it was like for me? Huh? I was so stupid sitting around for you! I tried to move on but I couldn't. Nobody I met was you!

"Nobody was as good as you so I stopped looking. You held my heart in your hands. You left me. And you took my heart with you.

"Natsu. You've got to be way more than sorry to cover those past two years!" Her eyes were watering up now. I wasn't expecting this to happen.

I had gone over so many different scenarios but this wasn't one of them.

"Lucy." Wrong choice. My voice totally cracked on her name. I saw that suddenly she was crying. Her tears were falling down silently but her face still held anger that had built up over those past two years.

"Did you know that I've been counting everyday that you've been gone?" She whispered. My heart broke. Oh Lucy. "Yup. Today was the 750 day you've been gone. So you've been gone for two years and twenty days Natsu. Everyday I've gotten my hopes up and cried myself to sleep every night, alone. Because you weren't there!"

She raised her voice at the end. I definitely didn't expect that from her. I can't believe she's been counting. She's just proving my theory of me being the worst person ever.

"Lucy, I-" I cut myself off and pulled her into a hug. "I've missed you, a lot."

I held her in my arms as she cried her heart out. This was the worst reunion ever.

"I still love you Natsu! I always will." Her voice quieted at the end. Oh how I've been waiting for those words.

"I love you too, Lucy." When those words escaped my lips rain started to pour down. I quickly moved Lucy and me inside the house before we caught fevers.

Tonight I'm going to make sure Lucy's not alone. It was then I realized that I still had clothes here from two years ago. I seriously thought Lucy would have burned these or something.

We turned backs and I took off my shirt and changed my pants. After all it is Fall, so it's going to be cold. I heard Lucy climbing onto the bed and turned around.

Lucy POV

I climbed onto the bed in an old T-shirt and some comfy pants. Natsu turned around and saw me. He climbed into the bed on the opposite side and got into the covers.

I was already in the covers so when he got in I could feel the heat change. I was so cold. I could feel my wet hear getting to my face.

Even though we went inside as soon as the rain started I still got pretty wet on the top of my head.

Natsu was still not coming any closer to me. I mean sure right now I'm not in the best mood with him but he could at least warn me up.

As if on qui Natsu rolled over and put his arms around my waist. It was probably already 9:30. Guessing by looking at the sky that now held no sun but a bright almost full moon.

By every passing second I felt warmer until finally I was able to relax. I turned around so that we were chest to chest. Our legs intertwined and I was immensely warmer from the amount of contact.

Natsu leaned down and kissed my forehead. I missed his kisses. They were sweet and passionate.

But I hadn't gotten a kiss from Natsu in over two years so this was amazing. Although I would like it better if he kissed me for real.

I looked up at his face and we locked eyes. We both leaned in until we were both almost kissing. Then he started talking every time his lips moved they brushed mine.

"Are you sure Lucy?" Man, I don't think I've been more sure about anything in my life. All I know is that right now I wanted Natsu to kiss me.

I answered him by closing the space between us. I'd missed this. Natsu and I sleeping in the same bed. Him making me warm. Him kissing me when I wanted. Him just being here close to me again was good enough for me after two years.

I pulled away first, reluctantly. But I was tired from crying so if I didn't stop now I'd probably fall asleep.

I snuggled into his chest and felt as my eyelids felt heavier than usual. It took all my power to keep them open for another second. So I just let them close and mumbled.

"Good night Natsu," then I was out but not before I heard him say back.

"Good night Lucy. I love you. It's great to be back."

Hey! Thanks for reading! I felt like this long chapter made up for the last short one! Anyways please comment if you have any questions or um well comments!

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