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Lucy POV

I looked around me. The room was just as light as when I fell asleep. I felt better, though somehow. I looked down to see my legs bandaged. I've woken up to this every morning for two days. Every day he hurts me, but when I wake up my wounds are bandaged. I don't know if I should be happy about this or not. I'm just glad they took me, and not anyone else, especially a certain someone else that I know Natsu would kill for if he found out.

I sighed. When is Natsu going to get here? I laid my head back on the pillow right as the door opened. I lifted up my head again. There he was, just like the last two days. On the first day the guild master had been the one to torture me but since then it had been the boy who kidnapped me in the first place. James walked in with a smile on his face.

"How is my prisoner doing?" He said. I simply rolled my eyes.

"I'm not you're prisoner." I laid my head back and closed my eyes.

"Oh, you're not?" He said trying to provoke me. I didn't let it get to me though as I kept my eyes closed and said.

"Nope." He laughed. A noise I have never liked. "Okay, then whose prisoner are you?"

"Um, what's your guild name again?" I asked acting as if I could ever forget it. He didn't say anything else as he put a hand on my shoulder telling me to look at him. I did.

"You are more my prisoner than anyone in the Red Joker guild. This is my job, my responsibility. To catch Natsu anyways." He let go of my arm and backed up. I closed my eyes waiting for the touch of metal against my skin. The feeling I'm beginning to get used to. It didn't come. I opened my eyes. He was looking at me. We made eye contact and I shivered.

"I'll be back later." He said walking out of the door. I laid down surprised. I will never get used to him or this strange excuse for a prison.

Natsu POV

"Here we are." I said to the people who came with me to save Lucy. That includes the whole gang of course with a few extra people. So the gang was Levy and Gageel and Lilly, Gray and Juvia, me and Happy, Mira and Lauxus, actually all of Lauxes' group was here along with gramps and Elfman, Erza and surprisingly Jellal. We wouldn't let wendy or Romeo come because they had something to do and I still saw them as young and gramps thought it was best if we didn't bring too many people.

I thought about Lucy and nearly started crying. Oh Lucy! I just got home! Why couldn't things ever go as I plan?

I sighed. Nothing gets solved by crying. Suddenly everyone stopped, and I walked to the front of the group. I had told gramps to stop once he got to this particular spot. I turned to my right and walked off the trail. Nobody said anything as they started walking behind me. After another 10 minutes of walking we finally made it to the Red Jokers guild house. Since they were a dark guild they were carefully hidden, blending in with the forest green around them. Gramps walked up beside me.

"So this is where they hide out." Gramps said, "it's actually a pretty smart place." He said, earning a glare from Erza. I sighed once more then turned around to face everyone.

"By those trees is the Red Jokers guild house. The plan is to sneak in and find Lucy. Although we will eventually need a more intricate plan for now I will make it simple. Lucy is the top priority." I said this while making eye contact with everyone. A lot of their faces were surprised, but to be honest, I would have the same look. The only thoughts in my head that weren't about Lucy, were thoughts about how I turned into this person.

Gone was the cheerful 'who cares if we burn down the village' boy, now there was simply the strict 'let's get this done' boy. I didn't know what else to say, so I didn't say anything at all. After a couple more seconds I saw Erza smile.

"So, what is the plan then?" She asked and others nodded as if they had the same question. I smirked happy to get my thoughts out of my head.

"Okay, everyone listen up! Here's the plan."

Lucy POV

I stared at the white ceiling and groaned. I am so bored. I thought over and over again. Suddenly the doors opened. In walked the famous James. I grimaced.

He walked in with his shoulders back and a smile on his face. Not an 'I'm going to hurt you smile' but one that looked as if he were genuinely happy about something. He looked down at me, and somehow it looked as if his smile had become brighter. I pushed the thought away but quickly brought up another one as he put his hand out and fixed my hair.

"You really are beautiful. Did you know that? I can see why Natsu loves you." He said hesitating on the last part. However, his words through me off. Did he just tell me I was beautiful?

I looked away from his eyes to find his cheeks a little red as if he were blushing. I quickly turned away to hide my own face.

I felt his hand touch my cheek, as it turned my head to face him. His golden eyes were bright and his hand was warm. I was too surprised to turn away. He pulled back from me as quickly as he had come close, making me wonder if it had happened at all.

He suddenly pulled something out of his pocket and held it up for me to see. I noticed it right away as the picture I had given Natsu when we started dating.  In the picture I was smiling but closing my eyes holding up a peace sign. I drew in a breath when I saw it. Why did he have it?

"Where did you get that?" I choked out, barley able to control my thoughts. I felt my face start to heat up from anger. When I spoke again my voice was more strict and less forced. "You shouldn't have it." I glared at him but he seemed unfazed.

"Well, I do," he said happily,"and I plan on keeping it. As for why I have it? Well, I got it from Natsu." I froze at his words but he didn't seem to notice as he kept on talking. "You see, Natsu and I were good friends. When him and I met each other we both started hunting dark guilds. That is until we came across the Red Jokers. I was so mesmerized by them I knew I had to join. So when the guild master welcomed me, you can clearly assume that I didn't turn down his offer." He looked as if to go on but I stopped him.

"What is your power." I asked just know wondering. How did I not know? He looked at me calmly and answered.

"I'm a water dragon-slayer." He said haughtily. I gasped then quickly covered my mouth embarrassed. He simply chuckled looking at me as if I was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. I looked away blushing. Lucy! I nearly cried. What is wrong with you!

"Now can I finish my story?" He asked as if he wouldn't if I asked him not to. I only nodded since my voice decided to leave me.

"Natsu and I had been friends for a year before we came here. Happy was always there too. When we first came here though our plan was to destroy them from the inside. But I knew I could never destroy such a wonderful place." I grimaced at his words.

"Natsu told me everything! Including why he ran away in the first place." When he said this my heart stopped. Although I already knew why Natsu left, I was curious as to what he had told James.

He leaned in real close and whispered, "you." He then pulled back and tried reading my expression. "I know everything about you. Well everything that Natsu knows about you anyway. From the way you laugh to the way you kiss." I choked again at his words and he chuckled. He leaned in close once more cupping my cheek, and whispered, "I'll just have to see if what he told me is true."

Thank you for reading!!!!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Like and comment!

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