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Lucy POV

I laughed as James grabbed my hand and pulled me through the hallways. He came to a stop when we stood in front of a brown oval door.

He knocked once, then two times, then once again and the door opened.

I laughed at the magic of it and James just chuckled at me. As we walked in I could see a big living area. There were two couches, a table, and through an open area you could see the beginning of a kitchen. There weren't many decorations but what was there made the room look good anyways.

"Do you like it?" James asked from behind me. I nodded unable to speak. What did this mean? I turned to him the question on my mind.

"James? What is this place?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"My house? I guess, it's more of an apartment. The guild has these rooms for the top ten in the guild, the rest live nearby." He said plainly.

"So what is your rank, out of the ten?" I asked kind of expecting him to be 1 but also not caring if he wasn't. He looked happy when he responded.

"#3." He smiled and took my hand and walked me up stairs to a room down a hallway that I hadn't seen. Right across from the door we were facing was another door that looked identical. "This is your room," he gestured to the other door, "that's mine."

I smiled liking how close they were. Before I said anything, he opened the door to my room. My eyes lit up at the sight.

The bedsheets were blue and it was a queen-bed! There was a huge bathroom I saw through an open door, the closet was big enough to walk into, and there was a dresser and a desk for anything! This was amazing!

I squealed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He chuckled but placed his arms around my waist.

"Thank you" I said as I leaned in for a kiss. This was just, perfect.

My gut however didn't agree. I pulled away from the kiss confused. Something was wrong, really wrong, but what?

Natsu POV


She was the only thing running through my head as the plan was put into action. A lot of people had asked about what happened to me but I only shrugged it off and they didn't push it. However the person next to me wouldn't take my shrug for an answer.

"What happened? I know you know." Erza asked sternly. We were creeping around the building and climbing onto the roof. All the other groups had already left and now we would be even more behind. Nope. Not on my watch.

I simply ignored Erza and kept climbing. I actually thought she let it go until about a minute later.

"Natsu, I'm waiting." She stopped climbing and stood on the roof as everyone kept going. I sighed in frustration but stopped too.

"Nothing." I said slightly annoyed.

"Clearly something happened." She said raising her voice slightly then going back to a whisper when she realized where we were.

Should I tell her? Or should I not? I sighed again but it was a sigh of defeat. I guess I'm going to tell her, just ugh, Natsu your not allowed to cry! Not in front of Erza.

"I-it was Lucy." I started.

"What was Lucy?" She interrupted.

"Let me finish." I said and she nodded waiting for me to go on. " I don't know, the dream I guess. But no, it wasn't a dream. It felt as if when I passed out I went somewhere else but I was awake. I can recall the entire thing, you can't usually do that with a dream."

She nodded in understanding and gestured for me to keep going.

"I was in her head, I had to have been, that's the only explanation. I could see her, no her memories everywhere. But all the ones with me were covered in an ice like shield. It was horrible. I couldn't break it. Or melt it, when I tried I could hear her scream. It was torture Erza." I said feeling the usual burning feeling behind my eyes but keeping my tears in.

She seemed sad as she nodded. Then she hugged me. I didn't give my mind the time to process the fact that Erza Scarlet was hugging me and just hugged her back.

"I'm sorry Natsu." She whispered as I pulled away.

"Me too. And that's why we need to find Lucy as fast as we can." I said this while turning around and starting to walk after our group, but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. She didn't have to turn me around to say.

"We will, Natsu don't worry." Then she walked past me towards Jellal.

My tears fell down silently and I didn't bother wiping them away.

Lucy POV

When I pulled away from the kiss I put on my best fake smile and he bought it. He was smiling like an idiot, as if he had just won the grand prize without a flick of effort. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door.

James seemed mad at the interruption, but went to open the door anyways. Outside I only saw half of a man. He was huge and really tall. He looked as if he could throw James himself halfway across the world, yet his head looked so small I could hardly imagine how smart he was. Probably just a messenger for the guild.

When he saw me staring he grimaced, or was that a smile, I can't tell with scary people like him. I quickly ripped my eyes off of his and backed out of his sight. James saw and shut the door slightly more closed, but not all the way and I could still hear them.

The larger guys gruff voice put me on edge.

"They're here." He chuckled clearly amused at the guests who had apparently showed up. What scared me more was James himself seemed amused as he answered.

"Finally, it was about time he showed up." James said thanking the guy and walking in while closing the door.

But wait. The guy said they're here, but James said he's here, so who's her?" I am way more confused than I feel I should be. I just need to let it go, clearly it doesn't involve me.

"Who was that?" I asked giving up on my plan. James seemed surprised to see me then quickly recovered as realization hit him. Did he really forget I was here? I felt crushed at the thought and let my head down a little.

"Um, no one." He answered seemingly distracted. "I'll be out for a bit. You can go anywhere in the house but you can't leave." I was slightly taken back by his words, first he's not even looking at me and now he's ordering me around?

When he saw my face and quickly re-worded what he meant.

"I mean, please don't leave the house, I don't want you getting hurt, or lost." That was much better and I let a small smile cover my lips.

"Okay." I said and he kissed my forehead then left.

I have a horrible feeling. So bad it's making my head hurt and my stomach clench.

James. What are you up too?

Whose here?

Hello! I'm finally done with this chapter and will update soon, well I hope. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did please vote send comment, I'm sorry for any mistakes. Thank you for reading and your comments from before!

A Captive LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant