The End

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Lucy POV

"Natsu?" I said backing away as he walked toward me. He walked as if tense and as if he was fighting himself every step of the way. "Natsu stop!" I called then people jumped in front of me. Natsu's fire barely missing my head. Tears streaked down my face.


Natsu POV

I couldn't control myself. I was over joyed when gray, Erza, Gageel, and Juvia jumped in front of her. Even though Lucy probably could've taken care of herself, she's not really in her right mind.

I had a hard time holding my feelings in when I watched her collapse into levy's arms.

I have to stop this. Although, I don't know if I can. All those rumors about the red jokers' guild master having mind powers were correct, and they definitely weren't lying when they said that he was strong.

He must've been the reason James went rogue. After all, there is no other explanation. This just isn't James.

I barely missed the ice gray shot at me only to be hit by Gageel. I noticed that Ezra hesitated to attack me and that made me fight myself more.

Well, that is until she attacked me. Then I attacked her without realizing how much strength I put into it. She flew back and hit a table then flew into the wall.

I knew that as soon as this was over I was going to be in a lot of trouble. And not only with Ezra.

I looked behind gray and saw Lucy stand up and look at me. All the tears were gone. But there wasn't any real emotion in her eyes, she looked as if the building could fall down and she wouldn't flinch.

I was confused until I turned around and saw the guild masters eyes trained on her and I screamed. We had all stopped fighting but I wasn't even tired. I looked over at my guild and realized that Ezra was standing up again. I sighed with relief.

But turned angry again when Lucy started making her way toward me. Then those stupid words came back. "Kill Lucy" they all shouted and I couldn't make them stop, 'he' wouldn't let me.

As Lucy walked toward me I tried stepping back, but I couldn't. If this went on I will kill Lucy. I couldn't let that happen.

I looked to the rest of my guild, I felt like killing them. They were just standing and watching, idiots! But not all of them were idiots.

I physically relaxed when a bright light flashed in front of me and took Lucy away. I didn't have to look again to know that Loke had just saved Lucy's life. I heard the guild master behind me growl in frustration.

Oh! Now I get it! Nobody knows their master has mind control! Wait, do they think that I'm just doing this!? I swear!

With the rest of my strength I started lighting a fire to my head, literally. I could feel the heat burn into my brain, burning away the magic it felt there. I turned to the guild master.

"Hexus, right?" I asked smiling even though I felt like ripping his head off. He smiled too.

"I knew you were strong. Your friend couldn't resist my power for the life of 'em." He said looking down at me. Yup, knew it. Sorry James.

"Well I could've told you myself that I was stronger then him!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Prideful are we?" He asked chuckling. I just looked to gray and Gageel. Hopefully they will be able to help me if I need it. But I noticed, quite irritated, that they were still standing around. All eyes were on me and Hexus.

Okay, I can do this.

I started to attack but it then he was talking in my head. It was getting harder to resist. I attacked him again my fire burning him enough that he screamed then laughed. But I didn't stop.

He tried hitting me with dark magic and I dodged it barley throwing my own magic his way. I looked up to see him on the floor. I won.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you left me no choice." He croaked from the floor. He got up slowly and started forming a big blast of dark magic. I knew it would kill me if I didn't move. But I couldn't.

Hexus was controlling me worse then ever, I grabbed my head screaming, trying to burn the pain away. That's when I noticed that he had already finished the magic and was throwing it my way.

There was no sound as I watched Lucy jump in front of me. Then it hit. The force blew everyone back including me, and Lucy. I looked to see that Hexus was also dead. Lucy had jumped right in front of him and stabbed him but also took the blast from that much closer.

I screamed. I ran to her side and she smiled at me.

"No Lucy! Please!" I screamed again moving her head into my lap. She leaned forward and placed her hand on my cheek.

"I remember," she smiled, "I love you." She then closed her eyes. I couldn't stop the tears from running as I felt her body go limp.

"No, no. I love you too, I love you so much! No! Lucy! Please! I love you," I cried pulling her closer to my chest.

But she was gone, and it was my fault.

Lucy POV

I watched as Natsu fought Hexus. Watching him reminded me of the memories that had just barley been coming back, and I cried as I saw him now, how I loved him. Then Natsu was down and Hexus was up starting to put together a strong force, that I knew Natsu wouldn't survive.

"Leo! Please! You can't stop me I know what I have to do." I screamed and suddenly realized the tears running down his face.

"Yes, I know. And I know it won't change anything but, please don't. And if you won't for me, do it for Ava." He said not bothering to wipe away his tears. Then mine came running down at the sound of her name. How had I forgotten her. I guess when I forgot about Natsu, I forgot about her too.

"Promise me you'll take care of her." I whimpered.

"Lucy!" He yelled as I ran down pulling a knife off somebody on the ground and smashing it into Hexus' heart before he even saw me there.

But his blast still went off, and I knew what was coming. I couldn't hear anything, in fact I could barley see anything, but I watched as Natsu came and put his arms around me. My hearing just barley there to hear him scream my name.

"No Lucy! Please!" He screamed again moving my head into his lap. I leaned forward and placed my hand on his cheek.

"I remember," I smiled, "I love you." Then I could feel the pain and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. My last sight was Natsu's chest and his pleas for me to stay, and that, he loved me, please Natsu, please, move on.

I smiled, or at least tried my best with the strength I had, tears running down my face as I felt my body go limp.

Hey! I'm back, at least for this chapter, I can't say when the next one will be. Sorry 😐. Thanks for reading this though! Hope you enjoyed it! Leave comments and likes! 👍🏼🙃

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