The Party Part 1

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Natsu POV

By the time we got back to Lucy's apartment it was already three. I helped Lucy onto one of her couches. I propped her foot up and got ice.

She could still move it which meant it wasn't broken but it was seriously sprained.

"Do you still want to go to the party?" I asked.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss your welcome home party!" Lucy said.

"Okay." I said not completely convinced. "I guess Wendy will be there. She could help you." Lucy just nodded.

"So I'm going to go get dressed. I'll be right back. Will you be okay?" She looked at me like I was and idiot. Her eyes asked. What do you think will happen Natsu?

When I got out of the bathroom I found Lucy still on the couch. She hadn't moved at all.

She saw me and tried to get up.

"Well my turn to get dressed." She said as she tried to stand up. She, well, let's just say it didn't go quite well.

As soon as she applied pressure to her leg she almost collapsed to the ground. Luckily I caught her before she hit the floor.

"I'll just help you then." I said as I helped her into her bathroom. She told me where the clothes were that she wanted. I handed them to her then shut the door and waited.

"I'm done!" She announced twenty minutes later. But I guess it's hard to dress without standing up.

I opened the door and helped her out. I looked at the clock again it was four. The hours pass by so quickly.

"You look great!" I said looking her up and down. It was a casual party so she was dressed in a skirt and tank top. So pretty much her normal clothing nothing to fancy.

"Thanks, you too." She said sarcastically. I laughed.

"Let's just head to guild now. Maybe Wendy will be there. And you are the guest of honor so you've got to get there early." Lucy said matter of factly.

"Okay then let's head to the guild." I had her hop onto my back again. Then we were on our way to the guild.

Lucy POV

When we got to the guild Wendy was there. So was Carla and Happy who were gladly sharing a fish? I'd have to read up on that later.

We spoke to Wendy and she was delighted to help. She quickly healed me and I was good as new. I looked up at Natsu who was smiling at me. I blushed, suddenly remembering him carrying me here.

He blushed at me blushing. But neither of us said anything. Wendy just looked confused. She felt my head.

"Lucy your head is hot. Are you okay?" Wendy asked which just made me blush more.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for your help!" I answered and walked over to Mira. Natsu followed me while Wendy walked over towards Carla.

"Hey Lucy! Natsu! How's it going?" Mira asked setting up drinks for the party. She had decorated a lot. Outside was a sign that read 'WELCOME BACK NATSU!' in big black letters. Inside were tons of balloons strung to the walls and little decorations all around. There were even center pieces at every table.

"We're great!" Natsu smiled, "I can't believe your married now! And especially to Laxus!" He said sitting down on one of the stools. I sat down next to him.

"Yup! To bad you missed the wedding it was huge!" She said stopping what she was doing to give Natsu her full attention.

"Now! Why did you leave?" Mira asked very seriously. Natsu looked at me.

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