The Plan

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Natsu POV

"Gray," I said starting the plan. "You, Mira, and Laxus will sneak in from under the ground. I'm not sure how, but I know you guys can figure out a way. There is the perfect place on the west side, I will show you." I turned towards Juvia. "You, will-" I started but got cut off by Juvia.

"Go with Gray?" She finished excitedly. I caught her eyes.

"No." I said but it sounded more like a question. "You, Gageel, and Lily will create a diversion from the front." They nodded but Juvia looked sad. "On second thought-" Juvia looked up happily, "why don't Freed, Bixlow and Evergreen join you." She looked back down disappointed.

"Okay" they all said in unison.

"The rest of us, will come with me through a different route, the roof." They all nodded, but many gave me a weird face. I remembered this plan. The one to go through the roof anyways. It had been Jame's, Happy's, and mine's plan. Happy had just given me a face as if to say 'not this again'. I simply smiled back at him. Suddenly gray turned to me.

"Natsu, there's something I need to tell you." He said looking away, but I could tell it was serious.

"Yes?" I asked instantly curious. But I looked to see Erza give gray a very serious face that clearly read 'no' or better yet 'not right now'.

"Never mind" he said and anyone could tell he was annoyed, when he shoved his hands into his pockets.

My mind however was thinking about something else, where is James? He promised to keep my location safe, to protect me from anyone he could. How could this have happened? One thing was clear. I turned to everyone.

"The main goal and only thing important is that Lucy is safe." I felt my hands fist up with anger as I thought about what Lucy must be going through right now. The note the Red Jokers left ran through my brain and the promise of hurt it promised for Lucy.

"Natsu!" I focused to see Erza staring at me, scared. I looked down to see my fists engulfed in flames. Quickly I put them out, hearing someone call my name but everything went black.

When I woke up I heard so many people sigh with relief.

"Natsu!" I looked over to see Erza kneel down next to me. I squinted as the sun hit my eyes, looking around I saw more people come to my side, I sat up.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked rubbing my head where I must've hit when I fell.

"About an hour." I heard Mira say, but barley made it out through her sobs that I had to clarify.

"How long!?" I asked raising my voice a little. Erza answered more strongly than Mira although she also had tears in her eyes.

"Like Mira said an hour, we were all freaking out. Gramps was right though, he said you were perfectly fine." She was right next to me but stood up and started balling into Jellal's chest. He had a surprised look on, but not as surprised as me. Suddenly gramps spoke.

"Natsu, what happened?" He helped me stand up as I tried to get my thoughts together. We were no longer in the grove next to the Jokers but a more secluded place.

"Um," I didn't know what to say, but then my memory hit me. "I was thinking about Lucy, how I missed her and how I was mad at this whole stupid situation, and I guess it just drained my energy a little." I shrugged my shoulders. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"You? Drain your energy from thinking?" Gray asked. At first I thought he was making a joke and I was about to hit him but I saw his face and noticed it was all serious.

"I wasn't just thinking."I defended looking at Gray, "I was thinking about Lucy." Surprisingly my voice didn't crack when I said her name. And my eyes didn't fall to the ground. I was ready to get Lucy back no matter what it took. I turned to gramps and he nodded as if reading my mind, and he told the group to move out. Lucy I'm coming, but as I thought about this something else came to mind.

I knew why I passed out, it wasn't me but something connected to Lucy. I knew it for a fact. And now I just felt empty, hollow even, which is why I have to get her back now before anything bad happens.

Lucy POV

He leaned in close and kissed me. I tried to push him away but my arms were still strapped to the table. He smirked as he pulled away.

"You are disgusting!" I said but his smile was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

When I woke up I felt really different. I couldn't figure out what had happened but I knew for a fact that something had. I turned to my right to see James still there, but I didn't react the same, something was wrong I felt attracted to him some how as if I was in love?

"How's my Lucy doing?" He asked smiling. I blushed, I did love him! Of course I did!

"Y-your Lucy?" I mumbled as I turned a darker shade of red. He just smiled more.

"Yes," but there was a weird ring to is voice as he finished, "my Lucy." I quickly shut the thought out and just stared at him. "I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that alright?" He said with his eyes glinting a gold that made me blush.

"Of course." I smiled and he did too, in fact I couldn't stop smiling even as he asked me the first question.

"What do you know about Natsu Dragneel?" He asked.


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