The Surprise

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James POV

I walked down the halls and couldn't help but remember when Natsu and I stormed this guild in this very hall this room exactly! I laughed as I looked at all the people now held captive, their guild marks clearly visible, fairy tail.

I searched the heads for the unusual pink color but frowned when I didn't see it. Where is he!? I went up to a guy with raven hair and no shirt and sighed.

"You must be Gray? Yes?" I asked and he looked irritated.

"It doesn't seem fair that you know who I am when I don't know you." He said almost sarcastically.

"Don't touch him!" I heard a girl shout and I whipped my head her way, but not before I caught an annoyed look from gray. This must be Juvia.

She was quite pretty, Natsu definitely didn't fully explain any of his fellow guild mates well at least not the girls. I walked up to one of the popular members.

"Mirajane," I smirked and she just glared at me. The man next to her sent me a glare himself which only made my smirk widen. I turned away and paced in front of all of them. "So, anyone want to tell me where Natsu is?" When no one answered I added, "or do you want me to force it out of you." Still no answer.

I laughed, "awe, you guys aren't any fun!" They seemed uncomfortable which made me feel better, no bigger than them.

"Where's the blond?" A gruff voice asked. As I looked at him I knew who he was. Really he was quite intimidating, but his hair was a little questionable. So Natsu wasn't lying when he said he had metal in his face.

"Well, Gageel, the blond, is safe." I spat annoyed with this stiff group already.

"WHERES NATSU!?" I shouted.

Natsu POV

I slithered down a hallway that looked like it was for the better, higher ranked people, or maybe just the guild master, I thought rolling my eyes.

Suddenly I heard a door close. Signaling for everyone to stay here I walked up to the door to listen.

I couldn't hear anything but, the door started to open. I quickly jumped back behind the wall. Then I saw, him.

James was looking casually around then stopped and smelt the air. I stiffened, he is a dragon-slayer after all, but my worry was short lived as he shrugged and with a smirk walked down the hallway the opposite direction of us.

We all let out our breath.

Who was inside that room? They were definitely feminine. Even though I couldn't hear words I could hear tone and theirs was much higher, much sweeter, then, well his.

Again I signaled for everyone to stay behind me and I silently started toward the door.

When I opened it I stiffened, so did she.


Lucy POV

I turned to the door when I heard it open. The man that stood there stiffened as if he'd seen a ghost.

"L-Lucy it's y-you." He said nearly in tears. Before I knew what was going on he was coming towards me almost like he was going to embrace me, I stopped him.

"And you are?" I asked.

I cannot explain all the different emotions that passed his face in that moment. Sadness, anger, desperation, disbelief, in the end he stood motionless, as if I had just broken him with those three words.

"W-who am I? Lucy! Come on! N-now's not the time for jokes" he said half heartedly as if half of him had already started to believe that I didn't know him. His pink hair suddenly caught my attention and I thought it was actually kind of, cute? I shook my head, no, I love James.

"Maybe if you tell me where I know you from I could remember?" I asked wondering just where I met this man and how on earth I had forgotten him.

"W-well," he laughed, "remember when I used to always break into your apartment? And when you joined fairy tail we decided we'd be a team, you, Happy, and me, and we went on all these missions together? Remember when you decided we should go on a job together, just us no Happy?" He stopped only a second, "and well it didn't go as planned? When we ran into Amelia and I had to pretend to be her fiancé?"

I didn't know this guy in the least, everything he said though it made me want to believe him, I just know he wouldn't lie. And when he said fiancé my heart felt hurt, just the thought of this stranger with someone else made my heart ache and I didn't know why! It was starting to scare me.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"Your guild mate, your best friend, your," he paused, "boyfriend."

What? James what is going on! Why does my body want to believe him so much and yet my head is screaming danger! He's a stranger!

"No!" I finally said, then softer, "there's no way, you can't be. I have a boyfriend." I felt the first tear run down my face. I saw his hand twitch as if he yearned to wipe it away, but if he was he didn't dare risk it.

"Who?" Was all he said but it was all he needed to.

"James" I said forgetting common sense. He tensed immediately.

"James?" He asked almost angrily but also checking that he didn't hear wrong I presumed.

"Y-yes?" I said questioning it myself. He was wasn't he? It was as if I couldn't decipher what was true anymore. My memories were starting to drive me insane, right as I thought I knew something for a fact my mind changes that time to a new memory something that wasn't there before. It seemed to love watching me scramble to get myself together.

I looked up to see him staring at me longingly. I can't describe what I was feeling, the way he looked at me made me melt as if that look, that smile meant the world to me or it did at one point.

The way my legs buckled at the thought of the guy in front of me having even the tiniest thought of likeness toward me, made me want to melt, I almost fell over from his stare. I was driving myself insane, but I wanted him.

This man in front of me made me love him in less than two minutes it seemed, but he didn't even look like he was trying. My throats was dry and cracking as I asked for the third time, but this time my eyes held a look of longing to, the longing to find out just who this man was.

"Who are you?" I wanted to cry because of all the feelings I had and couldn't quite figure out why.

"My name is Natsu Dragneel" he said his serious face matching his strong composure, and yet as my eyes searched his, he broke just a little with every passing second, then it hit me.

Natsu Dragneel? Wasn't that the name James had asked me about not even a day ago? Who is he?

Who is Natsu Dragneel? 

Hey I know it's been awhile! I just hope this chapter makes up for it, and thank you for reading this and for all the votes and comments! I can't promise when I'll update again but thank you for waiting patiently for me too!

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