In Action

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Lucy POV

"Who?" I asked the name a hazy thought in the back of my mind. It's as if I knew him and knew him very well but my mind wouldn't let me see him or bring up any of our memories. Suddenly I screamed. The pain in my head was killing me.

I turned to James for help but his face told me he didn't know what to do.

The pain was as if someone was burning my head from the inside. The heat was so bad I was sure my whole body would eventually burn. But it wasn't a burn the made me want to get into the coldest ice but the heat that you know you can't do anything about but also one you don't want to stop. Somehow it's as if I deserve this. My head kept telling me to remember.

"Just remember" the voice kept hissing, then a softer voice. "Please for me?" It begged. Tears ran down my face. What was happening.

James started shaking my shoulders.

"Lucy tell me what's wrong!" James looked on the verge of tears himself I never want to see him like this, wait what am I saying. James. Why do I feel like this, I hate him! No I love him, no no no. That can't be right! He he kidnapped me.

The pain started to subside, and I smiled knowing I won this fight. I noticed that while I was going through that crazy feeling James had unstrapped me from the table I hid my smile and sat up.

My bones ached at the feeling I have been yearning for, for days. I looked over at James my smile coming back.

"Thank you for saving me." I said as he pulled me into a hug. I felt safe in his arms but something felt off, I just can't place it. I just pushed it aside.

"No problem" he sighed.

We stayed like that for awhile until he pulled away. Grabbing my hand he walked out the door.

Finally! I felt as if I had been in that room forever.

Natsu POV

I didn't know what was going on. Somehow I was here in this strange place.

It was all dark with moving pictures, I looked closer to see that in all the pictures there was Lucy. But how? What is this place?

I kept walking, watching little clips of Lucy's life growing up until I stopped.

There I was, meeting Lucy for the first time, but something was wrong. The picture was covered in what looked like ice. I hit my fist to the shell waiting for it to crack. It wouldn't budge.

I started to use my fire and the shell started to melt, but then it grew back along with a scream. I knew it was Lucy, I looked around and couldn't find her. I don't know what the heck was going on, but I didn't stop. Lucy.

"Just remember!" I screamed over and over again. She was still screaming, "please for me?" I pleaded as I was drifting out of wherever I had been.

I screamed awake, not knowing if that was some crazy dream or not, I stood up only to be pushed back down by Erza. I sighed, I was awake.

"You think you can be out cold for an hour then stand straight up?" She nearly screamed. Her voice was echoing in my head and it hurt.

"Ya." I answered taking my head into my hands.

"Natsu?" She asked softer. I only sighed. I don't even know what just happened, how could I tell her? I laid back down and closed my eyes. My head really hurts.

What just happened? Is all that rang through my head.


That's who I needed right now, but it's just sad that she needs me more and I'm not there.

Hey! Sorry it took so long and it's kind of short. Well I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! Vote and comment please! Hope you like the new cover!

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