In The Morning

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Lucy POV

Wow yesterday was crazy! Natsu's finally back! It's great! So I can't tell him, not yet. I know he has a right to know, but I can't. I can't risk losing him again.

I turned my head and looked up at Natsu sleeping. It's been awhile since I've seen this. I realized now just how much I missed it.

Suddenly he pulled me closer. I giggled as he kissed me.

"What's so funny?" He smirked.

"You just look adorable! I've missed you a lot." I said. He simply smiled and said.

"I know, and I'm sorry. It'll never happen again." He kissed my forehead and hopped out of bed.

"Hey Natsu guess what I just realized." I said just now remembering this.

"Hmm?" He asked looking back at me.

"We didn't even date for two weeks two years ago." Then I started laughing. The news hit me but it was so funny.

"Wow your right!" He said. He looked at me curiously. "Why are you laughing?" He asked chuckling a little bit himself.

"It's ju-" I couldn't finish. I don't even know why I'm laughing. Tears started falling I was laughing so hard. Natsu looked so confused.

This felt so great. I had no idea when I would laugh like this again.

Natsu POV

She just would NOT stop laughing. She couldn't even tell me why she was laughing. And now she was crying, wait no still laughing. Oh Lucy you look adorable.

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you like this.

"So-sorry Natsu." She breathed. She did look out of breathe. She stood up with one hand over her chest.

This made me chuckle. I went over to her and she stood up and hugged me. So now she is serious.

"Natsu. Promise me. That this time our relationship will last longer." Her face was in my chest, so she didn't see my look of surprise. At least I know that she wants to get back together.

"Okay. I promise." She looked up at me and smiled. I leaned down until we were kissing. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist as hers went around my neck.

When we pulled away we are both smiling like idiots.

"So Lucy. I guess tonight Mira is holding a 'welcome home' party. And I was wondering if you would be my date?" I asked looking hopefully into her eyes. She sighed

"You know Natsu. When you left I decided that when you came back I wouldn't talk to you. That I'd hate you for what you did." Man, she doesn't hate me does she? "But when you came back for real. I couldn't. So, yes. I would love to go to the party with you!"

Yes! I am so glad to be back. We kissed once more before we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Lucy said once she realized that I didn't have a shirt on. I quickly put one on.

At the door was, Gray? What does he want?

"Hey Gray! What's up?" She smiled at him and let him inside. He was about to talk when he noticed that I was here too.

"Oh so you do know Natsu is here?" He said smirking. "Didn't know you'd forgive him so fast." That Gray. For some reason Lucy started to blush. Does he know something I don't?

"Um yeah." Lucy said. Oh wait did anything go on between these two while I was gone? I looked between the two. Lucy must have caught on because she got more red and nearly shouted.

"Nothing went on between us!" I felt myself relax. I didn't even know that I was tense. Gray looked a little red too. Wait did Lucy have any other relationships while I was gone? I couldn't be mad if she did, but it would be nice to know who took care of her. Hopefully not some idiot.

"I'm actually with Juvia, Natsu." He said looking at me.

"Well great for you. I was always wondering when you'd actually ask the poor girl out." Lucy giggled and Gray just kinda scowled with red cheeks.

"Well I only came by to tell Lucy that you were here. Where did you go by the way? You were sitting right next to me." He directed his question to Lucy.

"Well, I, um, left. I felt like I forgot something at home. Or yeah, so, but when I got here I just decided not to go back to the guild." She mumbled.

I think Gray and I both knew she left because of me, but we didn't say anything.

"Well then. See ya guys later. You are coming to the guild tonight?" He said halfway out the door.

"Of course" Lucy said and shut the door behind him. She exhaled.

"Sorry bout that." She said walking to her closet. Why was she sorry? Whatever.  I walked over to where I had some clothes. I had no idea I had so many clothes here.

I did stay the night a lot though. So I guess this makes since. All my clothes were clean and folded nicely. They all smelt like Lucy.

I changed into some clothes while Lucy changed in the bathroom. When she got out we both decided to head to the guild.

I feel like something is off. Probably because I haven't been to Magnolia in over two years! I let it slip and walked hand in hand with Lucy towards the guild.

It sure is great to be back!

Hey! Thanks for your comments Heavenwrites . Your story's are also very good! Thank you everyone for reading!

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