What You Missed

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Lucy POV

Natsu took me to a cafe for breakfast. Then we went to the park to talk. So we didn't go the guild yet after all.

"So, I've been wondering. What happend while I was gone?" Natsu asked casually. We were sitting on a bench looking at a fountain that was placed in the middle of the park.

He had his arm around my shoulders and my head was leaning on his chest. I answered simply.

"A lot." He just chuckled.

"Well I know that. I mean what were some of things that happened?" He said now looking at me. Our eyes locked. I first thought about gray, then Ava but I didn't say anything about either.

"Well. The guild is pretty much the same except now as you know Gray and Juvia are dating. But also, Levy and Gageel are, Wendy just turned sixteen so now her and Romeo are dating.

"Practically everyone you knew would end up together are. Oh but here's the biggest news!" I can't believe I forgot this.

"Yeah?" Natsu said sarcastically, but I was too excited to care.

"You'll never believe it but Mira and Laxus are married!" I was so excited to share the news! "They just got married two months ago. The whole guild saw it coming." Natsu was honestly surprised.

"Those two? Married?" He asked. I just laughed. "But Lucy. What did you do the past two years?" He asked suddenly very serious. I guess I couldn't avoid this forever. But what am I afraid of? Nope not yet.

"Well I dated Sting. You know from Sabertooth." I said. I guess I was nervous because Natsu fought him. He didn't like him and I knew that. Maybe that's the reason I dated him. To get back at Natsu.

"But we are obviously not together anymore. Our relationship only lasted for about two months before we both realized it was wrong. So now he's with a girl named Yukino. They are great people and great friends."

Natsu just listened. He looked jealous and dumbstruck.

"You and Sting? Wh-why?" He asked this looking very annoyed. "What about Rogue? You do know that I was Sting's idol right?" I laughed at his attempt to make Sting look bad.

"Natsu. I broke up with him because he wasn't you. He was a dragon-slayer yes but he wasn't you. And Rogue? I don't know what's up with him. I honestly think he's with some girl from Mermaid-heel." I answered while tapping my chin and looking up to the sky.

Natsu grabbed my chin and we met eyes.

"Well I'm glad you told me. Did you have any other relationships?" He asked still clearly annoyed. I was starting to get real ticked off with his attitude.

"Look Natsu! Even if I did have any other relationships which I didn't, it's not like I'd have to tell you about them! Besides what does it matter what I did while you were gone? Your back now so just worry about what's going on around you!" I nearly yelled this right to his face.

I got up in an attempt to leave. I almost got to the fountain when I felt him tug on my arm.

"Lucy I'm sorry! I didn't know it'd make you so mad." He looked sorry enough so I relaxed. I was still a little agitated though.

"It's fine I don't know why I got so worked up either." I said as Natsu pulled me into a hug.

I rested my head on his shoulder as he started to rub my temples.

"What about you?" I asked suddenly. "What did you do while you were gone? Better yet, where did you even go?" I was glad my questions didn't come off as rude or anything but a genuine curiosity.

Natsu just stayed silent.

"I uh. I ran into some dark guilds. I destroyed some others. But mostly I got involved in places I shouldn't have." He replied looking at me.

Of course he got into trouble! This was Natsu after all.

"But I took care of it. I should be safe from everything that happened. After all I met someone that covered for me. Actually he should still be covering my tracks for me. It was part of the deal."

I didn't even bother to ask. It was already two o'clock and the party started at six.

"Well that's interesting." I sighed. "Now do you want to go back to my apartment or the guild? We have four more hours until the party starts."

"Let's just go back to your apartment. But first let's go to my place to grab some clothes." He said then grabbed my hand.

With that he was tugging me to his house. I haven't been there in a long time.

It was clean when we got there. Mostly dust.

"Just stay here." He left me in the front room as he gathered clothes from his room.

He came out. And I was ready to go. His house looked exactly the same since the last time I was here. During the first month he was gone I came a lot, but not much after that.

We both left the house and started down the trail. It was silent but it wasn't a comfortable silence. I tried to come up with something to say but every time I just fell short.

Natsu didn't seem like he was going to talk. And of course he hasn't. I just looked down at my feet. As I looked up at a bird, I tripped on a rock. I fell straight down. I'm so embarrassed!

Luckily Natsu didn't laugh. He just looked worried as he helped me up.

"Are you okay?" He asked once I was on my feet again.

"Yup just grand!" I said my cheeks red from embarrassment. It was now that he chuckled.

"Why are you so red?" I'm pretty sure I turned even darker red. As if that were possible.

I just waved my hand avoiding having to talk.

"Well nothing's bleeding so you should be fine." I stepped forward and my knee and down burned. Without a second thought I fell back down onto the ground.

"Lucy!" Natsu said helping me up again. I looked down at my right knee. It was already purple and swollen.

"Well looks like I have to carry you home." Natsu smirked. Then he helped me hop onto his back. I laid my head on his shoulder. The pain was killing me! I definitely at least sprained my leg.

And that was how Natsu ended up carrying me into town.

Hey! Thanks for reading! Thank you for all the comments!

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