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Nothing to be done and nothing to be said. I can't forget the words you said. Heart beating fast yet it slowed again. My past is catching up before I even throw up this feeling in my mouth that I can't seem to spit out but have no doubts in my mind. Time is on my side yet it doesn't seem to unwind the clock this time and forget my crime. My past burns inside yet I feel nothing on the outside, why is this happening. Am I killing myself? Just not with drugs or drinking but with overthinking. I can't help but to wonder when will I give up. When have I had enough? Yet my soul feeds on words and hungers for more since I left it empty and opened the door to a world of new wonders. Have some faith, really that's all it takes cause what's killing you isn't the same thing that's killing me. This isn't some murder spree yet I have nothing but  emptiness and you have me. Gasping for air, I can't seem to breathe. My lungs won't expand, I guess this is the death of me. My voice is no longer heard and my songs no longer sung. My brain is fried and my body...is hung out to dry. Have faith in your sharp tongue with cheek and with a little bit of knowledge, you'll finally see that the words you stab into me are the words that finally set me free.

Written By: BistyC

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