
15 1 0

I'm holding my breath. You told me the mess that lives in your head and the issues that go with it. "It's just some circumstantial bullshit" you say and yet, here I am sitting on my bed crying my eyes out because of the words being said. I don't know what's worse, having your heart broken or knowing that the events leading up could break it. You told me that you didn't want to hurt me, yet I'm use to the pain. My tears start to streak my face, black streams down my cheeks as my makeup wipes itself off. "This isn't some stupid game!" I wanna scream out so they hear my message but my heart just aches inside my chest. "Give it a rest..." I tell myself but I wanna fight until things are right. You are a light in the darkness that is my world and I can't loose you but my parents think the worse. Can they tell that this hurts? Burning inside me, my mind won't rest. 24/7 I'm thinking about you, your necklace is still around my neck. I beg and plead for the best but my brain comes up with the worst things possible to happen when I ask "What about giving him a chance?" I want what's best but losing you has stabbed and twisted the knife. Life has seemed to taken away my breath and given me pain, nothing feels the same. The way that I look at you, when you kissed me again. It felt like the first time and my heart did a flip but little did I know I was about to turn into Alice. Fall down the rabbit hole to Wonderland and escape the reality of facing my fears. Let's be real, how many tears does it take to wake up from your daydream and finally see that this fear is real. Let's play a game, from 1 to 10 rate your pain. Reminder! Love isn't a game.

Written By: BistyC

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