Peter Pan

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We were children once. Holding lanterns and a magic touch, the world was at our feet. We smiled and laughed but soon everything that we had... turned to pieces. We had to grow up. Had to learn. To write. Forget our freedom. Forget the long summer nights and the stars that burned so brightly in our eyes. Peter Pan once said "Never Grow Up" yet here I am stuck with my nose in a book, trying to forget my problems. They tell kids that growing up is fun but what they fail to say is that it's actually quiet rough. There's a world out there that is scary and confusing. It holds the key to life but I long to be that kid again with the stars that burn so bright in my eyes and to never let that fire die. Because growing up is the hardest part of life and we forget to be kids. We forget to just simply live. The world is unlimited and can wait for us because for the time being, I just simply want to live... and to be a kid.

Written By: BistyC

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