New Year

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How do you watch one of your friends break down crying after a boy broke her heart? How do you calm her down when your body goes into a panic attack, worrying about the boy that you're with is going to leave you because right around New Years is when people stop feeling emotions and three days later is when they take action. It's hard to watch your lover swallow their pride and be the best they can be but what happens when you second guess yourself? When you're so use to watching the world burn around you that you don't even know what's right anymore. I thought I had slammed that door shut for good but my heart holds heaviness in it's wake as the same event is set on repeat for me to see but you snap to reality and realize that it's different, that the world isn't burning and you're okay. I guess that's what happens with memories and a terrified heart. Things get messy inside your head and you start to worry that the same shit will happen. Not everybody is the same and you can't assign blame to someone who is purely innocent in this but maybe, just maybe, I won't have to assign blame at all. Cause so far, 2018 is off to a good start and maybe, just maybe, this will be my year. I hope for my heart to heal it's final wound and carry on into the greatness that it saw not too long ago with passion in place of pain. Love instead of hurting. Happiness instead of sadness.

Let the new begin.

Written By: BistyC

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