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"Strangers becoming friends becoming lovers. Friends becoming enemies. Lovers becoming strangers."

That's the cycle isn't it. Repeat the same bullshit everyday and it becomes so routine that you didn't even give it a second thought. Why would you. Because life is just this one big endless cycle we go round in but maybe, just maybe it's not. You live life based off of what you get and I've been trying so hard to forget. My memories are a blur but ask me about the dinner conversation you heard between me and my dad, you would be in tears too. I can't remember my childhood but I can remember my friend from a different state who got a different fate from me. I can barley remember to write down if I have homework or if I have any at all but I can tell you word for word about all the bad things that have kept me as their prisoner, using their power over my brain to keep my hands loose but my tongue tied. My brain is fried from all of the abuse but you'll still hear the words "I love you." Mind over matter but you fear the worst when your love has been conditioned as hate "fate is playing funny tricks" but all you get is the punch line. No laughter, just tears and fear as the words "I love you" fall out of my mouth, I am no longer who I once was but instead a warrior in strength because "this is the last stop on the train" and I'm sure as hell getting off.

Written By: BistyC

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