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Bandaids and bullet wounds, can't shake the feeling of you. Heavy heart and eyes, tired soul, deserted mind. My head in the clouds, begging for me to come down but the high is where I feel so alive. If I feel so alive then why am I dying. Oh that's right, I'm stuck in an institution where I'm judged on how I can pass a class instead of my self worth. The boy that I love seems stuck in the same predicament that I'm in but reality always comes crashing down, down the rabbit hole we go to the place that feels like I don't belong. There's a switch that always flips and now, I'm stuck in this never ending Wonderland. I'm so sick of the same excuses but what else can I do but complain. I'm trying so my very hardest, don't you see. Momma, please don't cry, I'm not trying to disappoint you but that's what happens when you don't let your little girl breathe. I'm sorry that I got here, I never asked for this but where else am I to go. Our house is for sale and I'm tying to cope. My tears are my only friend it seems but they don't even want me anymore. My heart is pounding in my ears, my breath is shaky. Tell me, am I a monster? Or am I just a girl trapped in a world that seems sane but is on the brink of insanity.

Written By: BistyC

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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