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Here we go thoughts turn to vibrant red colors, reminding me of the blood that I've spilled. I've seen more than enough to get me by in these seventeen years of life, get enough of a head high and might understand but then again, you might not. People tell me that I'm so strong, that even when I'm wrong, I do it so gracefully. They tell me that I know what to do in the worst of situations but how do you tell someone that you've seen enough blood to fill a hospital bag times ten. Again, I live a wonderful life but once or maybe twice, I second guess everything. I've seen enough of the road, I could call it home. Endless hours traveling away from everything I know, maybe the road is my home. Countless gas station bathrooms and fast food stops. I've seen more McDonald's bathrooms than the floor of my own bedroom. I feel like I'm running from every good thing that I have, even my past. But hold the phone. I still have everything that I own. If I do then why do I feel like I don't fit the mold? Oh that's right, I'm not like everyone else. Why you ask? Because the girl standing in front of you has seen enough battles to call her own. She has waged her wars but unlike most, she has no place to call home.

Written By: BistyC

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