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A memory. That's nothing but what you are now. You can't seem to stay grounded yet I'm aloud to stay loose minded. I feel stranded in my thoughts as they try and take off. I'm racing from start to finish yet it doesn't matter how long the distance. My mouth use to babble but now it's silenced like a knife to the throat, this thing has a hold. I can't get a grip, so I ball my hand into a fist and punch the first thing I see. My mind traveling at the speed of light and my body just wants to fight. I'm angry and hurt but I can't seem to find the words to describe the thoughts in my head. Will I wind up dead? They stay lay down and dream yet those same dreams are nothing but nightmares it seems. Cause my tongue feels like it's been cut off and I'm left with my thoughts. They're eating me inside and I don't know why. I'm stuck in here in space but everyday is a race from start to finish, doesn't matter the pace. I'm holding my breath and counting to ten, wishing this would all end. I'm dying and I scream for help yet everyone else is putting on happy faces. I feel like a disgrace and I'm left with nothing but these thoughts. Help me before I get too lost...

Written By: BistyC

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