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~   I M P E R I O   D E   F O G O S O   ~

⤝ ⤝ ⤝ ⤝ ⤝ ⤝ ⤝   S E A N   ⤞ ⤞ ⤞ ⤞ ⤞ ⤞ ⤞

I groaned as I struggled to open my eyes against the invisible blindfold of drowsiness that was tied over them.

 Finally, after a remarkable struggle, I opened them and squinted in confusion and bewilderment when I found myself staring at a room I didn't recognize at all.

 In confusion, I tried to raise my hand but my arms were tied to the hard chair I was sitting in along with my legs.

 Filled with a sudden feeling of dread and déjà vu, I grunted as I tried to escape the plastic cords that held me captive but my efforts were futile. My eyes may have been awake but the rest of my body was weak in a way I recognized as because of having been recently drugged.

 So, I gave up trying to break out of the plastic cords and sat back and tried to force my muddled and clouded brain to rid itself of the after-effects of whatever I was drugged with. This caused a sudden burst of internal pain as I over-worked my currently feeble brain but I ignored the pain and began to dig into my mind, fighting through the dark webs weaved inside me, keeping me from my memories.

 At last, I was able to remember what had happened before this.

 I'd been heading down the road, headed for a local coffeehouse to meet Jake. We were supposed to meet up every once a day and tell each other of our progress in our jobs. Mine was at a fancy casino that was supposedly owned by our target. But since Jake and I hadn't been sure the casino really belonged to our target, he'd gotten a job at another casino as well. One that was rumored to be owned by our target, too.

 We'd arranged to meet every day at the coffee house and I was just heading to it after work when I was grabbed by someone and drugged!

 Well, at least now I knew that the casino I was working at was definitely the right one! The one owned by and Jake's and I's target.

 And they'd been one step ahead of us!

 More motivated than ever to escape, I started struggling against the bonds but my body was still weak and the plastic cords were strong just like I had suspected but somehow refused to believe until now.

 With a sigh, I stopped struggling and scanned the room I was in, hoping to spot something sharp. But the room was dark, dimly lit by a line of golden rays of light that sneaked into the room by the tiny gap between the huge door and the floor and it took a while for my eyes to fully adjust.

 When they did, I swore out loud.

 The room was completely bare! I was the only entity, living or non-living, that was trapped in this fucking room!

 Desperately, I glanced down at my chair, hoping it was wood so I could break it and maybe get out.

 I couldn't help a frustrated cry when I saw that it was steel.

 Still refusing to give up, I scanned the room again, but my captors were smart and clever. The room wasn't just completely bare of furniture but it was also devoid of any handy objects that I usually found in rooms when I was captured. There was no way for me to escape and that drove me a bit mad.

 I've been captured before plenty of times but I'd always managed to break out, regardless of how dire the situation had seemed.

 I once even managed to bust out of a police transport van! Hell, I even managed to break out of an FBI interrogation room and out of that building! I even managed to wipe out any security footage of me!

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