Part 25

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Sal listened to her message; now alone in his apartment.
'...Anyways, love you, miss you, and hopefully see you soon. Bye babe.'

He sighed, remembering how much he missed her; and found her number, thumb hovering above the call button. He pressed it, and listened to the pulsing ring, wondering if he'd phoned too late - after all, London is 5 hours ahead.

Just as he began to lose hope, she answered sleepily - "Hello?"

"Hey Belle," he smiled.

"Sal? Oh my God you have no idea how good it is to talk to you. I've missed you so much..."

"Look, about me not answering-"

"Sal, it's fine, really. I'm just glad you're speaking to me now."

"No, it's not 'fine'," he said, feeling a pang of guilt, "I should've called you back."

"I love you, Sal."

He could hear the smile in her voice. "I love you too," he choaked out his words. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about? You said it was important."

"Yes, um... That."

"You're not staying there longer, are you?" he groaned, sadly.

"No," she laughed, "if anything, I'll be coming back sooner."

"What's happened? You've been kicked off the job?" he joked.

"No, Sally; much more important than that. You know how when you miss someone so much you feel sick?"

"Yeah," he laughed, "every day since you left."

"Me too, but especially recently."


"Sal, come on," she paused to hear his epiphany, but it did not come. Sighing, she said cheekily "you remember the night before I left?"

"How could I forget?" he smiled to himself, thinking of her.

"How long ago was that?"

"I dunno, about a month?"

She was silent for some time, waiting for it to click.

"Wait?..." he began. "OH HOLD UP!" he cried, "do you mean?!"

"Yes!" she giggled, and he could imagine her sitting on her bed in the dark, nodding excitably and grinning, as he was now too.

"I'm gonna be a dad?!" he shouted with joy.

"Yes!" she screamed back. Through his laughter, she said; "Sally?"

"Yes, darling?" he breathed, ecstatic.

"I'm coming home."

The Suffering Of Fools (IJ Fanfic, Sal Vulcano X Brian Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now