Part 26

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For the next few hours, Sal lay awake in bed - mind spinning and racing, tripping over itself with a swirling mixture of joy and excitement for what the future held.

His smile widened as he imagined holding his newborn child for the first time, seeing his or her little face bunch and scrunch in the way that only babies' faces can - to let out a gentle yawn as they get rocked to sleep in their father's warm, safe arms. He imagined gazing into their tiny eyes, and smelling the tingling aroma of powder and sleep that would undoubtedly linger on the infant.

'How loved that child would be' he thought; his own flesh, his own blood; his very soul woven into such a frail body that he would already give anything to protect.

He slept that night a happy man, and dreamt on fatherhood and on the giggling of the child that had already won over his heart.

The Suffering Of Fools (IJ Fanfic, Sal Vulcano X Brian Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now