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pat tree        pete want to cuddle

pweezy        wait rly?

pat tree yeS

baby ry aw they are cuddling

pat tree shut up

pweezy im just?? they just hid their face in my chest??like so qt??

spinach smith aw they are are adorable

pat tree stopppp

ham my hahr js braidwf im a fukcing hiopie

andy🐝 aw babygirl yoi are so cute

niall whore joe and andy are goals

pat tree tru

pweezy babe im going to bleach my hair

josh🚀 i have bleach

crybaby i want to do it

pweezy girl get your ass over here and bring your tattoo kit

gesundheit way shit gotta hide

pat tree oh i want a tattoo

niall whore patrick lets get matching tats

hazza okay im nooooo way are you getting any ink on your skin niall horan

pat tree hazza u r meanie

pweezy bub no tats for you

pat tree aw petey

spinach smith trick you are so fcukin cute

pweezy they are mine

pat tree mhm

gabe🐈 ahhhh dall is so like nice and he real good cuddler

dalloff aw babe ilyt

sorry that this all is taking so long, these next chapters are all going to be irl

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