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tw: drug use, guns violence, self harm,russian roulette, gun shot  i don't know what else its just messed up.

Pete wentz was the worlds biggest idiot and that was how he got himself into the position that he was in now.

Gerard way owned his father Donald old house, that he bought for himself and Mikey.

When patrick went out shopping with a couple of their friends, Pete was left alone and decided to head over the the way house.

Mikey was extremely surprised when he found a high off of his mind Pete Wentz ringing the door bell like his life depended on it.

Mikey invited pete in. Mikey was testing out some if the drugs he found in a box, in his brothers room. The first thing that caught his eye was a bag of cocaine with a good amount left and a box that had LSD labeled on the top. Cocaine, mikey was familiar with, so the bag was soon empty and the mousey haired boy was pressing the left of over powder onto his gums then rubbing it around. LSD was a something that mikey had never tried before, so he took advantage of pete being high.

"w-what is it?" pete slurred and let mikey place the drug into his opened mouth, not really caring what it was and what it would do.

pete started to get all giggly, mikey smiled and finished off a bottle whiskey that gerard was probably drinking before him.

Russian roulette.

pete had a gun to his head, a gun with one bullet, his hands were trembling and mikey next to him was filming it all on snapchat when pete pulled the trigger only a loud bang filled the room but no bullet came out.

mikey was up next and he was very confident in what he did, his thin fingers wrapped around the gun and pressed it to his temple, pete was studying one of the pillows on the couch very intensely, not carrying about the 19 year old next to him holding a gun to his head smiling.

patrick and gerard were climbing through the kitchen window, mikey had locked the front door and gerard didn't have a key, when patrick saw mikeys snapchat they told gerard and the two spend all the way across town to gerards house.

patrick got in first and ran into the living room, snatching the gun out of the older boys hands but firing a bullet into the wall. gerard fell out of the window and onto the kitchen floor, he heard the bang and ran over to his younger brother, patrick was hugging the very confused pete tightly and kissing petes face making sure he was alright.

gerard on the other hand was very pissed off but also relived to see his baby brother alive.

patrick brought pete back to their home, gerard hid the gun and his box of drugs before patching up the wall and mikey was getting worse everyday.

mikey would barely sleep, when he did it was cause of his ambien, he didnt eat, causing him to be even skinnier, he couldn't control the voices when they told him to do stuff, almost everything they said he would do.

mikey was sure he would never forget pete, so sure that he cut pete into his skinny and pale thigh before crying himself to sleep.

once the LSD effects wore off for pete, patrick ran a bath for pete and made him some hot chocolate, when pete found the tub full of hot water he stripped his clothes off and sank down letting the hot water cover his body. when patrick walked into the bathroom and smiled when they  saw pete humming to himself in the water, patrick handed him the mug and sat crossed legged on the counter.

"have you seen y-yourself or y-your body since, y-you know...." pete asked, his voice was soft and gentle but not very steady (he was still a little shaken up from earlier) patrick tapped on the mirror that was covered with cardboard "w-what d-do you t-think" patrick stuttered quietly (they were still working on their voice and coming back to talking since they hadn't for over a year) pete sighed "'trick you should see yourself just shortly at least. you are beautiful and no matter what i said or what anyone else says you are beautiful baby boy" patrick shrugged and got off of the counter then walked out of the room.

after petes bath he found patrick cuddling hemingway in their bed and had prince playing softly, pete was standing there in boxers when he had an idea.


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