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bread pitt yo yo guys i am dying my hair orange

stoner smith where is ryan and why isnt he stopping u

bread pitt i locked her in my car

patrick the stump lmao bren why is ry in ur car

pete the wentz me nabd patrisk r frunk

dalloff patrick and i are drunk*** youre welcome peter

pete the wentz ffuck ofs weked

gabriel weekes me

the wrong way yo guys toro is here

stoner smith wtf

toro hi spencer i see u nd mikey creepin on me

andrew i want to die this is no longer a joke

toro same

patrick the wentz same

pete the stump shhh bb !!

patrick the wentz pete my darling boyfriend

peterick stan #1 bois peterick

ryan rock I though u staned ryden smh

peterick stan #1 shut up geoege ryden is dake and the government knows it

patrick the wentz ryan*** :)))))

ryan rock ily pattycakes

dalloff @ pete nd patrick ur usernames are super cringey and edgy 1!1!!1

fuck u dallon i hope u die i love my username stump better??

gabriel weekes thAt GiGgLe iN YoUnG vOlCanos dOe!!11!!!

peter wtf gabe

patrick can we all agree that gabi is high as shit and should stop hanging out w jon nd bren

jon skip and a walk hey

bread pitt hey

jon skip and a walk i smoke more kush then brandong

bread pitt i hope you get hit by a bus

patrick relatble comtent:D

patrick oeteeee is suxkinf my dick nd hesds supwr good at it

ryan rock tmi??

peterick stan # 1 send vids????

patrick waittt .....,...,,,,

toro i stg if he sends a vid of me eter suckib cock

the wrong way where

andrew i leave to fuck joe and i come back to this mess

joseph hoewomen cough u W A N teD to fuck me u fuck boi

andrew shhhh ily boo

patrick //1 video attached

patrick hashgag mo regrwats

peterick stan #1 patrick ilysm this is quality porn ™
patrick brb gotta go delete my life

patrick has left the chat

its 2:47 am and i have taken all of my mood stabilizer med things for the months so now i am out:))) also i bought ptv tickets and i am seeing them on sunday so super hypeeee
current vibe:
a bit sad but generally happy cause ptv

have a nice day

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