Part 45

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Shaniia POV

Today was family day and me, casey, and romelio went to the museum. I had casey on the side of me and romelio wobbling all over the place. he's 7 1/2 months and walking. i had his stroller just in case he gets tired. we were having fun and casey was very insterested and so was melo. it made me happy seeing them like this. then i got a phone call

me: helloo. i was chuckling while saying it

??: baby is that you?

i knew who it was

me: yes ma august its me

ma august: praise the heavens baby i was worried sick. Shaniia we havent seen you and the babies nearly a whole year.

me: yeah i know

ma august: baby come on

me: ma not now i just cant. its too soon

ma august: i guess. hows my babies

me: oh there wonderful casey is doing great in school and melo just start walking.

when i said that i saw casey playing with melo and i turned around.

ma august: oh baby thats wonderful

me: yeah i know

ma august: i gotta tell rezeno how your doing

ma august called chres by his middle name

me: ma you cant tell renzo you talked to me

ma august: why not

me: ma its too soon

ma august; okay baby i'll talk to you later kiss the babies for me

me: i will

ma august: okay bye

me: bye

i turned back around and the kids were gone. i start to panic.


everyone started to stare at me. then i saw the worst happen. 2 men carrying my babies out the door. i ran to them but bout time i got out there they were pulling out of the driveway. i pulled out my gun and started to shoot. i kept missing. i couldnt focus then they were out of sight. why did i turn my back. how could i let them take my babies. i was having a mental break down. i was screaming and yelling for my babies. who could help me get them back. its only one person who cared about those kids more than i did. i gotta call now.

Chres POV

I was at home with the love of my life. we were upstairs in my room cuddled up in the bed. we were watching tv then i gotta phone call

me: wassup. i said very mellow and with a smile

??; chres

my smiled faded. it was shaniia calling me crying then i sat up.

me: yeah, yeah whats wrong

shaniia: they took them. im sorry i turned around for a quick-

i sighed

me: Shaniia they took what?

she began to cry.

shaniiA: the kids

that hurted my heart when she said it.

me: what hap- tell me how?

shaniia: i-i-i i was talking to ma august and i turned to get melo's bottle and when i got off the phone and turned around and so-s-s- someone was carrying them out the musuem and i went after them and i was shooting at the tires to ma- m-m- make the car stop but it didnt. then took them chres they took em im so-sor-sor-sorry. , im so sorry. but-b-b-b- but i need your help. i need you can the boys to come help me.

then i sighed

me: where you at?

im in Ohio. Dayton Ohio

me: im on my way.

shaniia: thank you

i hung up and i got up and started to pack

mari: whats going on

me: i gotta leave

mari: leave where. street work?

me: no

mari: then what

me: i gotta go to ohio for shaniia

mari: wtf she wont

me: look mari, my kids have been taking

mari: i mean how do you know? you said when yall used to date along time ago she would make stuff up then yall be back together. what if she's lying

me: mari she wont lie about anything like this okay so just stop

mari: i dont want you too leave.

i was done gettin a weeks worth of clothes.

me: look babe, when im done with getting my kids then i'll come back home

mari: baby dont be gone for long

me: i'll try not to be

mari: i love you

me: i love you too.

when i left out the house i called the boys and told them what was up and i was getting all of them. we were at the airport and we was was boarding the plane and we took our seats.

prince: you think you'll be okay with being around shaniia

me: look i aint even on her anymore ight

prince: sorry

but he asked a good question. would i? i needed to think about it. when the plane ride was over we got off and went to go get our bags and waited. when i saw her it was like i was falling in love with her all over again. the way she was dress was like she was ready for war. we walked up to her and everyone gave her hugs and kissses except me.

shaniia: hey chres. she said soft as ever

me: whats good

shaniia: okay lets go we'll talk when we get home

us: coo

we were putting our stuff i her trunk of her car. and i was sitting in the front while the rest of the boys at sat in the back. she played long live asap. by asap rocky. when we got to the red light i tried to look in her eyes but it was hard to do with her glasses on. i knew she was hurt but she tried.i wondered if she was over me?. then i saw some i thought i wouldnt see. she put her elbo on the window and her hand on her head. the sun was beaming something and it was something on her finger and was the wedding ring i gave her. maybe she did still cared

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