Part 80

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Shaniia gathered up her thoughts and put a smile on her face. She went to the covenant to get some things to snack on . She walked through the aisles like a girl in a candy store. She picked up all her favorite candies, Arizona drinks, and chips. As she walked up to the counter she saw Chris bent over at the counter. This put a big smile on her face. Shaniia was head cover hills for this boy and she didn't know why, it was just a fatal attraction she believed. As Shaniia walked to the counter she began to sing sing name

"Chrestantooo! " she said rolling her "r's" and singing it in harmony.  And she did it again. But it was no answer. She watched as his head moved side to side, in and out.

"What is he doing?" She asked. Shaniia paced up to him and turned him around by his shoulder and and as he turned around she noticed smeared lip gloss on his mouth. Shaniia was infuriated. She squinted her eyes to see if she was tripping and she wasnt.

"Damn" Chrestanto mumbled under his breath. What was his purpose for him to this.

"Yeah....damn. I mean really? A  random bitch? She could have had a fucking herpe all you know. You're so fucking stupid, Chrestanto,  I mean you're so fucking selfish." She said as she looked at him with discussed. Shaniia look at the female cashier and she new she had an issue.  Shaniia pulled the girl's hair, causing her face to smash against the glass. She did it a few more times till she fell. Shaniia gathered all her items she had at the counter.

"And we ain't paying for the shit either" she said storming to the truck

As she got to the truck, she looked at Chrestanto one more time before he got in.

"Yo, I'm sor- I mean, I apologize B" he sad trying to put some kind of guilt in his voice

"Fuck you and your apology, yall just need to get me home. Your so fucking grimy, so grimy."she said before she bored the truck.

Shaniia gave Chrestanto a long glare and began to think. What did she do to him that made him like this. Instead of killing that girl, she really wanted to kill herself.

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