Part 2. What the heck?.!

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Mayas Pov:

My body guard escorted me to my locker. I could still barely see from the flash of cameras. But what I could see was everybody whispering and staring at me I wanted to scream or something I hated when stuff like that happened. People need to get a life. I would gladly give them mine but I have to do this for all of those little girls out there that need an idol.

"Sabrina I love your outfit." One fan said.

"Sabrina can we hang out." Another one said.

"Sabrina can I have your autograph." And another. And on and on it went.

None of it would stop. It was Sabrina this Sabrina that. I hate it I just wanted to scream my name is Maya Penoeople Fucking Hart. But I knew my agent, oh I'm sorry my mom wouldn't like it. So I just let everybody call me Sabrina. I told my body guard he could keep a safe distance he agrees and walks away. But he could still see me. I looked at my locker it was empty it's time to add some glitter and badazle it.

I took a couple of pink sparkley jewels from my bag and stuck them on my locker and anything else that was some what girly and put it in there. You see Maya Hart is a rebelous sarcastic Bitch who doesn't care what other people think or anything. But Sabrina Carpenter is a shy beautiful lovey dovey girl who loves talking to people (mostly about herself.) And being friendly towards her fans. Unfortunately the real me was Maya Hart I was just playing a role as Sabrina Carpenter.

I slamed my locker door shut when I got done. A girl came up to me I roled my eyes I was hoping she didn't notice. Thank God she didn't.

"Hi, your Sabrina Carpenter. Your amazing. I'm Riley Matthews. And I kinda wanted to show you around the school if you we're okay with it." She said She had a sweet smile. I found it kinda comforting.

"Uh- that would be great because I'm completely lost." I laughed. I wasn't really but I kinda needed a friend and she didn't really seem that obsessed with me so I took the offer.

"Great so I'll show you to my fathers classroom first." She said and I nodded.

"He dumped me." I girl screamed running down the hall.

"He Fucking used me.I was just a play toy for him." Another said crying and running into the bathroom.

"Um- Riley what is going on. Why are they all sad like that." I asked looking completely confused.

"Oh well you see you came here on a Friday. And here at Abgail Adams High School. Its Fuckboy Friar Friday. Lucas Friar picks a girl or 2 to date for the week sleeps with them then dumps them on Friday. Everybody falls for him he's kinda hard to resist. He's smoking hot." She said. I'm pretty sure her mouth was watering a little bit.

"Wait so nobody confronts him about being a fuckboy." I said. Well thank goodness im here then. But I probably shouldn't do anything because of the fans. Well who cares about the fans. There getting hurt and I indeed to stop it. I was Going to Confront Lucas Friar.

Quick tip: When I put it in italic such as what I did at the top. That's what the real Maya Hart is thinking. Sorry that the story is a little complicated.

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