Part 19. Bruises on my heart.

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Mayas Pov:

I grab a paper towel and wipe my eye. Dabbing it throughly hoping it wouldn't leave a bruise. Moments ago Bradley had hit me in the eye. And shouted at me. I had rushed out of his car and rushed home. Which is where I am now. In my bathroom hoping my eye doesn't bruise. Bradley always seemed so sweet and caring. Least he was when we we're younger. I kept replaying what he had shouted at me.

"Stay away from Lucas. He doesn't deserve you. Your mine. And mine only." It kept repeating over and over. I didn't do anything all I did was talk to Lucas. And I get punched in the face. Frankly I was sacred. People would notice my eye. I looked at it. It was starting to briuse. No amount of make up could fix it. I gaurentee the reporters would get pictures and make up some stupid story about it. I can't handle this. I just can't. I clean my eye. Then I go lay down on my bed. I cry into my pillow. There's a knock on my door.

"Honey, There's someone here to see you. A boy by the name Friar." My mother says opening my door. I wipe my eyes.

"Tell him to leave. I don't want anybody to see me." I say wiping my eyes again. Lucas barges into my room.

"Well to bad princess." Lucas says as he walks in.

"Already then. I'll be down stairs. And if your gonna do anything the condoms are in the bathroom drawer." My mother says. I throw a pillow at the door.

"Ew. No." I shout.

"Are you okay." Lucas asks taking a spot on my bed by my feet. I look away from him so he doesn't see my puffy face and my eye.

"Why are you here Cowboy." I ask with a sniffle at the end. Damn it Maya stop crying.

"I had to see if you we're okay. Bradley kinda confronted me. And I thought he might go after you." Lucas says trying to look at my face.

"Well I guess you we're wrong nothing happened." I say getting up and walking to the bathroom. So I could look at my eye. Lucas stops me.

"Sabrina your eye. He did this to you didn't he." Lucas says pulling my hair out of my face. He pulls me into a hug. I couldn't help it but let it happen I felt safe and the fact that he smelled good.

"I didn't even do anything." I say but it comes out a little mulfuled since I was talking in Lucas shirt. He pulls away from me.

"Get dressed. Were getting out of this place." Lucas says throwing some clothes at me.

"What?" I ask looking at him.

"I'm taking you out of town. Where no one knows who you are. And where you won't have to think about Bradley a place where you can just relax." Lucas says.

"What are you do gonna take me out to the country, cowboy." I say laughing.

"Get dressed." Lucas says.

I grab the clothes Lucas though at me. And I go into the bathroom and get dressed. I look in the mirror. I look like a hideuous beast with one eye. I take my hair and put it into a messy bun. Then I apply some foundation to my face. Lucas bangs on the door.

"Hurry up princess." He yells. I open the door.

"I'm not going." I say sitting back down on my bed.

"What?" Lucas says walking towards my bed.

"I said I'm not going." I say again.

"And why the hell not." Lucas says crossing his arms.

"Because I look like a gross monster with one eye." I say crossing my arms.

"Shut up. You look beautiful. Now let's go." Lucas says grabbing my hand and pulling me up and out the door. We walk down stairs.

"Where are you going." My mom asks. She's sitting on the couch watching Greys Anatomy. I look at Lucas. And he stares at my mother.

"I'm taking Sabrina out to meet my family. I think it would do her good to see the country life. Maybe she could write some actual good music." Lucas says. I hit him in the arm.

"Oh okay. Have fun." My mother says turning back to the tv. We walk out the door.

"So now my music isn't good." I say to him as we walk to his truck.

"It never was." Lucas says hoping into his truck and starting it. I look at the truck. It is lifted about 3 inches and theres no step to climb up. Damn it why do I have to be so short.

"Okay cowboy. I ain't hoping up in that." I say pointing to the truck. He steps out of the truck.

"Fine. Then I'll lift you up into it." He says lifting me up into the passenger side. I turn on the radio it's on country. Lucas is singing to the lyrics. And we pull out of my drive.

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