Part 12. Happy

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Farkles Pov:

I walk into the library because Riley wanted me to find her a book about cats and a book about Purple. God she's so weird. But I love her so its okay. I walk over to the child section and see someone pacing back in forth. It was Lucas. He was mumbling to himself.

"Lucas." I say. He keeps pacing.

"Lucas." I say again a little louder. He looks up.

"What." He asks.

"What are you doing. You should have been done reading to the kids like forever ago." I ask.

"Oh I was thinking." He says to me looking at the ground.

"About." I ask.

"Why are girls so confusing. Like they say one thing. Then they say another. God they are  so confusing." Lucas says.

"Yeah I know. I'm kinda here to pick out a cat book and colors of purple. Riley is literally way confusing." I tell him.

"Why can't they just say what they mean. Like why would she call me a jerk. You don't think I'm a jerk do you." He asks.

"Oh No your a jerk." I say. He glares.

"But I'm sure Sabrina just doesn't know you enough to think of you any different. I mean you act like a jerk on the outside but you act like some sensitive guy on the inside. I mean you read to kids." I tell him.

"Why does everyone think that Sabrina and I need to know each other. I couldn't care less about her life. Shes a celebrity which means she's Fake, bitchy, beautiful, slutty, Oh and not to mention the way her eyes light up when she smiles. I mean who does that. Or the way she looks when she isn't wearing Make up. I mean I hate her and she's fake." Lucas says. He was blushing. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You know if I didn't know any better I'd say Lucas friar has a small crush on Sabrina Carpenter." I say.

"No I don't even know her. She's so confusing." Lucas says.

"Every girl is. You just got to get used to it. Buddy." I tell him.

"Yeah but how do I know that she's not gonna just use me.  Or that she's not gonna cheat on me. What if she doesn't even like me." Lucas asks.

"First off you don't know if she will on any of that. Its called taking a risk. And for the right person it's the right risk. I mean I didn't think Riley liked me. But I asked her out anyway after about a thousand no's she finally said yes and we couldn't be happier." I tell him.

"But what if Sabrina isn't like that. I mean she literally has a creepy stalker guy. How will she ever be happy." Lucas asks.

"Well you'll only find that out if your the reason that makes her Happy." I tell him. He smiles. And looks at his phone.

"Crap. I'm gonna be late." He says.

"For what." I ask.

"I told Sab to meet me at my truck." He tells me.

"Yes, go get your women!" I yell as he runs out with a smile.

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