Part 28: Magazine

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*A couple of weeks later*
Mayas Pov:

"Sabrina honey," my mother starts to talk as she aprouches my dressing room. She's so loud I could hear her from down the hall.

"Yeah." I say.

"Have you seen this!" My mother says unhappy as she hands me a magazine.

"Holy Shit!" I shout staring at the magazine

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"Holy Shit!" I shout staring at the magazine.

"Why do they think your with Josh?" My mother asks.

"I don't know. They took a couple of pictures with us and that creep got to close and Lucas almost beat the shit out of him but he didn't thank goodness Farkle punched him the face though." I tell her.

"I'm calling this magazine." My mother shouts rushing into the other room.

"I look good in that picture though." I say aloud admiring it.

Lucas's Pov:

"Lucas, have you seen this?" Zay asks throwing a magazine in front of me. I was playing a video game and Zay just barged into my house.

"Zay I'm kinda in the middle of something I don't want to see another one of your fanfics on the Notebook." I tell him as I focas on killing another zombie in my game.

"No Dumbass it's not that. Look!" Zay then holds a magazine in front of my face. It was of Sabrina and the main article was about her and Josh.

"Do you think this is true?" I ask him.

"I doubt it. But when was the last time you talked to her? Did she say anything about this?" Zay asks.

"I tried talking to her Zay. I wanted to tell her how I felt. I wanted to tell her to come back. But I guess she was to busy to talk." I say to him.

"Yeah to Busy with Josh." Zay says quielty. I glare at him.

"Yo where are you guys?" Farkle yells from the living room.

"In here" I shout I glare at Zay again.

"What are you guys doing?" Farkle asks. Zay gives Farkle the Magazine.

"Oh Lucas. I mean you and Paris have something going on don't you so this shouldn't be a big deal." Farkle says.

"Paris and I aren't even close to together." I say to him.

"Yeah but she likes you." Zay says.

"And Josh likes Sabrina." Farkle states.

"Okay both of you shut up don't talk to me no more. Your not helping." I tell them.

"I still think you and Sabrina just need to tell each other how you feel." Farkle says.

"Yeah but it wouldn't  matter anyway shes not coming back." I say.

"Why don't you just go to L.A." Zay suggests.

"That has to be the stupidest idea ever." Farkle states.

"No it's not Look Sabrina will be in L. A in 3 days we could drive up there and make it to her tour." Zay says.

"But how are we gonna be able to talk to her." I ask.

"Sabrina knows us. All we have to do is get close enough to the stage and then when she sees us we will be able to get on stage." Zay says.

"Or we could have Riley tell Sarah Sabrinas makeup artist that we're coming and she get us in. Because Riley talks to Sabrina everyday and she talks to Sarah when she's not talking to Sabrina." Farkle says.

"See that's a good idea." Zay says pointing at Farkle.

"Fine let's do it. Tell Riley to tell Sarah." I tell them.

"Yes Finally!" Zay shouts.

"But Lucas, Sabrina she's a complicated girl. She has some secrets to hide. What if she's actually with the Josh guy." Farkle states.

"Dude come on. You just gave him a good idea now your telling him sad stuff. Don't listen to Him Lucas. Sabrina wouldn't date Josh and she has no secrets she a celebrity they don't have secrets." Zay states. Farkle rolls his eyes.

"Even if Josh and her our together I still want to tell her how I feel. And I doubt Sabrina would hide anything." I tell them. Which makes Farkle look angry.

"Lucas! You don't know her as well as you think!" Farkle shouts.

"I know her better than you do." I tell him.

"No Lucas you don't!" Farkle says softly.

"What is that suppose to mean." I ask him.

"She's not who she says she is! I think I should go now. Just call Riley." Farkle says walking out of my house leaving me shocked.

"What did he mean by that?" I say aloud.

"I don't know man." Zay says I forgot he was there.

"I have to talk to her." I tell him.

"Damn straight man." Zay says.

(Sorry it took so long here's the next part.)

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