Who are you?

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As I left the party,I felt the stare of two eyes piercing my back hoping it was just Rhysand teasing me. I ran all the way to home, Phoenix Fire university. As I see the university I see my dreams flashing in front of my eyes, biology, I loved science and bio was my major in my sophomore year and my dream was to have an awesome job in bio technology. I opened my dorm door slowly and checked for the gun in my bag but it wasn't there, eh....I guess I probably left it in the truck. That's when sleep swept me up and I fell onto the bed.

Ugh,where did I leave my gun yesterday night. I was pretty sure that after I left the party I placed my gun under my pillow. After an hours search,I assumed that I left it in my truck,only problem was that I didn't have a truck and that I was running late to chemistry.
I grabbed my book bag and ran to the chem lab,hoping to reach their on time but instead I hit a rock and fell off balance. Some boy broke my fall,poor guy,I get back onto my feet and see a boy of about my age with black hair,just like mine.

"Excuse me,can't you see properly" I sneered while turning to face him even though I knew that I was the one who fell on him.
"As you can tell,I'm not blind and I'm lucky that I'm not your boyfriend" he said with a gleam in his blue eyes staring at my boots.
"My name is Bryce, does this devil have a name?" He asked
"My name is Jaliyah and this is goodbye....by the way,you don't impress me",I said without hesitation.

I spent my boring chemistry class thinking back to bryce's blue eyes,they were really bright in color,very rare in fact. I look through my book bag and see a biology test with a A- on it. If I was all A's this semester I better get working for credit.
I still have to find credit for my bio class and Right now,I can do anything except that.

After classes were over I met up with Amora,my best friend and partner in crime. As we sat down on the soft grass of the campus yard,Amora started her usual rants on how her mom wants her to stop reading and focus more on a professional hobby, thats when I decided that I needed help.
"Hey Amora, what did you do for credit in biology?" I asked
"I know you need help,but you're not cheating!" She said sternly.
That was Amora,making sure I don't break the rules but she makes sure she doesn't keep them. She was a good girl but was totally faking it,you could classify her as a party girl with no limits.

"Hey,it was worth a shot. Distract me please" I reply desperately
"Ok,Did you see the new guy,he has deep blue eyes and he was frowning at Shailah in math" she said. Amora is legit the number one person to go to for gossip.

"Oh, you mean Bryce? He's not that interesting but I guess he is flattering for some " I responded blankly as my thoughts went back to our meet this morning and how he was staring at my boots,as if he could see my sheathed blades.

Amora and I were the bestest of friends and we were the closest of all,but few things even she didn't know.

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