Cave time

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I'm up!!!!I yell into the phone. "I'll be there in a sec okay",Bryce decided to call early in the morning to invite us to tea.
Ugh I hate tea and coffee and soft drinks and..well,everything except water.

I throw on some clothes,wash my face and straitened my hair. I put on some makeup and look at myself in the mirror.
Striped shirt,black shorts and loose hair with black vans,perfect!!! I grab my bag and jumped down the stairs,walking up to Bryce,who was waiting impatiently.
"Took your time !"
"I was up till 4 in the morning...give me a break" I say sarcastically.
"So what's the tale for today?"
"I tell you when we get there" Everyday I've been giving them an insight to my life with the crazy experiences that I've been encountering on the daily basis.

We walked to our friends and I sat down in an empty spot,
"Tell.Us.Everything!!!"Hazel said with unnecessary pauses
"But first, I'm hungry"I said whining
"Fair enough" David said walking up to the cafe and ordering all of us a cappuccino and a bagel.
He came back in five minutes with 6 trays,yum!
Once we were all settled and cherishing our bagels,
"So how many paintings did you sell?"
"Oooh,how much money?" The questions rolled in one after another.

"Well,I sold about 29 paintings and a total sum of 300 bucks"
"Looks like someone got lucky" Nyra said gawking at me
"Any left for us to see??" Bryce asked curiously. Seems like Amora told no one about the last one.
" I sold all of them" I stuttered
Amora's eyes came to stop at my eyes and she gave me a scrutinizing glare,I responded with a weary smile. I hope she doesn't tell anyone about the last painting.
"More importantly.....what happened after the sale?" Bryce asked enthusiastically.
"Oh.....well after I bid goodbye to Amora..."
"what time was it?" I was cut by the question.
"Well,it was around 3 in the morning"
"Anyhoo,after I said goodnight I fell asleep and after some while,I heard a sound and I thought it was Amora and told her to shut up. After a while,a phone which was not Amora's ring and I knew someone broke in. I pretended to be asleep and after I heard no noise I got up to check who it was"

"Who was it?who?who? Tell me WHO?"Nyra butted in
"WELL, I got up and saw Shailah asleep on my rug,like a puppy waiting for me. Here look at a picture" I said showing them the picture.

"Wow...that's hilarious...I'm guessing you'll be posting it on insta?" Blake suggested and I nodded.
"Anyhow,after I found her.I threw her out with my grip on her belt. Apparently she wanted to find the pink fluffy diary that I didn't have to back stab me"
"Pathetic" a comment came from David,I chuckled

"Why did she go all crazy cat lady on you?"Amora asked and my eyes diverted to Bryce.
"She seemed to be jealous of me being asked to the dance by Rhysand and the end she confessed that she wanted Bryce " I said calmly,everyone first gasped and then their eyes directed towards Bryce.
He got all worked up and said," I don't know anything....I've only seen her twice or thrice"
"We didn't say anything.....don't go all crazy cat lady on us"Amora huffing at me
"let's leave that last part..... unless,you do like her?"I suggested towards Bryce.
"Hell no!,she's a meanie"Bryce mimicked a baby voice.

We all laughed and talked some gossip stories about the freshman this year,apparently this new girl has red eyes and is in love with the cafeteria guy.

------after leaving the gang-------

Well, after we bid goodbye Amora,Nyra and Hazel went shopping for cookies. Bryce was completely sincere to his study schedule so I decided to take some inspiration and started to hit the books....I mean literally,I started punching my social book cause social is stupid,why in hell do I require to learn about ancient people who didn't have social media.
But I was better than that,so I started learning some English instead. After an hour of pretend studying where I was simply lazing around with my phone,I decided to do something fun.
Let's see,I could go shopping but I need to save up money,I could find some work here?yup that's what I'm gonna do,make some dollar bills
I set my hair,grabbed my bag,slipped on some shoes and ran out the door. I walked till the office and knocked on Ms.Sally's cabin

"Come in Jaliyah", I entered the room and said good afternoon
"Just wondering if there are any jobs open?"
"Let's see....well there is a need for dusting in the computer lab, swimming pool cleaning..aha,what about this one"she said pointing at a list of jobs available.
"I'll take up that one" I pointed towards the task for cleaning up the outside gates. It was fall and all the leaves fall off,so I guess I'll be raking them up.
"When do you want to start?"she asked
"I'll be on it right away " I said confidently
"I'll tell the security guards to keep the rake out" she said pleased with my response.
I exited the room and started walking towards the front gate. I reached the security guards and they handed me a rake,guess it's all up to me now.
I started gathering the fallen leaves and let's just say the wind wasn't cooperating,so I had to rake them all together again and this time I immediately threw them into empty garbage bags and ties them firmly. After an hour of the same boring task,I was done. When I went to return the rake,the security guards gave me 60$ and told me that I could go out side the gates for a walk without a permission slip. I said thank you and started going up that very same hill I visited a few weeks ago. After I hiked up the hill,I could see that stubborn cave which Rhysand pinned me to,I shivered at the thought that rhysand could be here right now. I look around for some time and no one was to be seen so I decided why not take a peak through the cave.

I slowly crawled into the small opening and the cave was twice my height on the inside so I stood up and I could tell that the cave doesn't go deep into the ground,so I guess I won't have any breathing problems.
Ok,it's been an hour since I've been wandering in this cave and all I've seen are some leaves,rocks and shining rubies stuck onto the walls. As I started walking deep into the caves mouth I realized that I lost my way and that it was getting dark,I got my phone out and switched on the flashlight. Looking around I realized that every path looked the same and that I had no cell service.
Suddenly,my mind lead me away,I didn't know where I was going but I trusted myself so I closed my eyes.
Ouch! I opened my eyes to see that I slammed into a dead end,why was I here? I saw a shimmer in the ground so I took a step back. That when the ground started shaking, what's going on! Is there an earthquake! I started freaking out and screaming. when the movement stopped I looked below me and saw a crack in the ground. I bent forward and my hand entered the crevice,pulling out a book, a very old book. I stared in awe with surprised and starstruck eyes.

A book? I flip it to the other side and of course it had no name on it. I flipped through the pages and it seemed though that it was hand written. I had a strange feeling about the book and started running in any direction I could find. I slipped the book into my arms and ran without thinking, after a couple of minutes I was out,out of the cave and I was spellbound.

I ran all the way back to the dorms,not even saying hi to Hazel and Nyra who were outside the dorm buildings.
I ran into Amora's dorm and slammed the door open
"I didn't do anything!" Amora squeaked
"Sorry for coming uninvited" I gasp out of breath
Amora gets up and hands me a glass of water and I quickly drained it.
"Amora,was there an earthquake a while back?"
"No....I didn't feel a thing,why?"
"Its nothing" I said quietly

I told her about the cave and how I found the book

After we talked about what could've happened,I left her dorm and decided to take a break. I entered my room and sat on the bed with the book in my hands. I opened it up to the first page and my eyes widened.

Hey guys,I finally got the mood to type again and I'm super exited that I'm actually moving into the serious plot of the book now.
I hope you enjoy book and pls pls pls leave a comment below to support me.

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