back to december

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the winter had a cold,icy breeze that made the snow glow brighter,the birds chirp to amputate and the apple to look redder. there was a  girl with back hair and a pale face sitting under an apple tree,she was wearing a purple frock and the snow wailed passed her,but didn't dare to touch her.On top of the snowy mountain,two families,both as young as could be with no identity of their deep ages. A girl about 8 yrs old was playing with a boy,ravenous hair and a beautiful face. They laughed and played the entire day,the parents were setting up lunch. The entire scenery was a decade or two ago,as the sun rose,it melted all the snow except for this mountain. You could here the families chatter and laugh with happiness,a fine day it seemed.

"Will you always be there for me?"the little girl asked
"No matter what" the boy replied
"What if I die?"
"Then I'll go to heaven to bring you back"
They swore to be best buds and this promise was more just words,it went back and through into the ground and skin.
"Come here Jaliyah,Rhysand" a women called out to them
They got up from the apple tree and walked to their parents,
"Im starving!"they said together.
"Then enjoy a feast" a man said

They ate to their fullest content and started talking to each other,when the sky filled with terror and lighting started striking. Her parents looked in fright towards their Daughter and said,"I'm sorry,but the time has come"
"We have to leave now!" They said to the other family.
The others nodded in approval and the little girl had tears in her eyes,she wouldn't see him again.
Her parents brought her to a side of a mountain,in a wave of a hand a blue swirl appeared. The little boy stood stuck in the snow,with a face of sadnes,neither of them knew why or where she'd flee. Her parents called to her,when she broke free of their grasp and gave the boy her silver and black diamond bracelet,"don't forget promised" she yelled back,when her family disappeared,next was her.

My eyes flew open,with heavy breaths I looked around me,we were atop that camp hill from last night. That dream,it was so realistic,like I was there. My name,I heard my name and rhysands too. Maybe it's a lucid dream,I don't know right now. I think I'm going mad. I look around and see that no one woke up yet. I take a minute or two to get rid of that dream or should I say nightmare. I got up and woke everybody up. After ten minutes,everyone was awake and we realized it was 9 o clock...we were late for the speeches.
After a lot of struggle,we drove back to the campus and we fell into our dorms,while David and Amora decide to stay at David's house for some while and then join us later.
Once I reached my dorm,I felt it was empty,like it needed remodeling. But for now I needed to get ready for pre finals grades. I picked out my outfit and went to take a bath,once I wore my clothes and some makeup I realized that my phone died,so I put it for charging and went to the editorial room. Once I got a computer I started writing an article on last nights homecoming and after parties. Once I was done editing it,I published it I found my way to the study hall.
By the time I entered the hall, the principal gave his speech and the student bodies speeches were done,guess we had an update session to inform stuff to students,I'll catch up on that later. I took a seat on the last row and I could see Bryce a couple rows ahead. Since our prefinals were over,we get a 2 week break and then a direct leap to finals,so that explains the speeches and gathering as the term ends. Nows the time,they're announcing prefinals grades.
"Jaliyah:English 96%,social 95%,science 98.5%,math 94.7%,art and design9 8%" the president of the student body announced.
Ok,I guess that is a good percentage,but if I try harder,I can surely do better.

After some while they announced Amora's and rhysands
"Amora:English 89%,math 98%,humanities 97%,science 92%"
"Rhysand: English 91%, math 95%,social 99%,humanities 98%"
I know Amora would be happy with her grades,but I suggest she read more for her say the truth,I don't know how she passed freshman year with all her partying.

Rhysand pov
Today morning,Lena poured water on me to wake me up and well,I was in a cranky mood since then. I took a bath at their house and I picked up my belongings from my house,which was right next to theirs. I got my way to the hall a couple minutes into the speeches. I couldn't sense any magic,so I guess Jaliyah's over sleeping.
After I almost dozed off,the principal started telling us about how the forest was off limits and how you can't exit campus grounds without safe transportation. I was shocked when he mentioned about this guy from 6 yrs ago who wandered into the forest and was almost torn apart by a bear,thank the gods we have penned and fenced down perimeters of the forest all around the university,allowing us to wander to such an extent.
After more stuff, I felt a wave of power enter the hall,I turned around to see Jaliyah enter and take a seat,that's when I heard my name so I got a pen and paper to get the information down,
"Rhysand: English 91%, math 95%,social 99%,humanities 98%"
After all the grades were announced,we left the hall and started our vacation time,a trip to study land.

Bryce pov
I got the worst grades ever,moms gonna kill me. Ok,I promise to read a minimum of 1 topic per day..I'm sure that I won't live up to that promise.
I got: math 87%, English 83%,humanities 91% and phycology 95%.

God,I've got to get my 'A'game on if I wanted to score high in English and math.
I lift my head up from my phone as we all hurry out of the hall. Jaliyah got good grades,but I doubt she's fine with them.
I decided to go make a plan,so I went to my dorm and picked up my tab and made an excel sheet,everyday 1 topic of each subject. After that was done, I went to the library,got it printed out and I stuck it on to the dorm wall. phone ringed,perfect timing...I needed an excuse from learning.

Amora: you're avoiding her,aren't you!!!!!
Jaliyah: you know I'm in this chat right!
Amora:oops,sorry why don't you simply forget that happened
Jaliyah:how am I supposed to do that?
Amora: like this.
*Amora Empoleen removed Jaliyah.R from this group chat*🏀
Amora: that's how😉
Amora: so are you gonna answer or not
Bryce: see....I'm not ignoring her,we made up last night.....but that was my first time asking a girl out....and it's also the first time I'm getting dumped
Amora: so I'm guessing your gonna join us us to a pizza parlor tonight?
Amora: you know what,forget I asked you...if you don't come I will drag you,but I'll probably drug you first.
Amora: bye now,have fun sticking to your study plan that you printed out today morning after the meeting.....good luck studying for's super tough.
Bryce: how did you know?????
Amora: I know everything....I also know that day before yesterday,you were watching scream queens for the 8th time.chow!!!!

Omg,what is wrong with her....I wonder how David deals with a stalker....I better keep a watch round my back,I think I better start learning on tough math. I get my books out and started the boredom.

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